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Crobat Mewtwo Deck

NP Rangerz

Aspiring Trainer
4 Crobat
2 Golbat
4 Zubat
3 Mewtwo EX

4 Juniper
4 N
4 Skyla
2 Cheren

4 Ultra Ball
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Rare Candy
2 Switch
2 Level Ball
2 Super Rod
1 Dowsing Machine
1 Virbank City Gym

9 Psychic Energy
4 Double Colorless

I made this new deck and played a few games with it. It has been reasonably consistent and Crobats ability can be good drawpower in the late game when I have 2 - 4 Crobats on the bench. Mewtwo does most of the attacking but Crobat has it's uses too.

Any suggestions to make it more consistent?
NP Rangerz said:
4 Crobat
2 Golbat
4 Zubat
3 Mewtwo EX

4 Juniper
4 N
4 Skyla
2 Cheren

4 Ultra Ball
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Rare Candy
2 Switch
2 Level Ball
2 Super Rod
1 Dowsing Machine
1 Virbank City Gym

9 Psychic Energy
4 Double Colorless

I made this new deck and played a few games with it. It has been reasonably consistent and Crobats ability can be good drawpower in the late game when I have 2 - 4 Crobats on the bench. Mewtwo does most of the attacking but Crobat has it's uses too.

Any suggestions to make it more consistent?

My suggestion next time you make a deck list is to state the total amount of cards for each type of card (pokemon, items, supporters, energies).

I suggest you also add a bouffalant or two as well because you run 4 dce and the EX game is heavy. 120 hits hard and your opponent only getting one prize instead of two is game changing.

Also, I think you should run another virbank despite it being popular in most decks.You are a poison inducing deck afterall.

-1 super rod
+1 virbank

- 1goldbat
- 1crobat
+ 2bouffalant
(4-1-3 line is good, you got 5 balls,3 skyla, and computer search all with massive draw support)

-dowsing machine
+computer search

-1 skyla
-1 ultra ball (5 ball is enough)
+2 laser and/or maxpotion

Remember it is always you final decision, do what you like :D
Thanks for your suggestions. i'll try them out and see what happens. I think bouffalant is a good idea so i'll definitely try that.
i run a deck very similar and i win
- 2 mewtwo ( it good as a one of i really only use it for keldeo decks )
+ Garitina its a nice hit with htl or after crobat
+2-2 garbador its stop a lot of thing except big basics but crobat does that
-1 Dowsing Machine
+ comp search ( much better)
- 2 level ball
+ 1 virbank
- 2 cheren
+ buffalant

now if you really want speed on our crobat set up or buffalant or even garitina i would add 4 plasma energies and 2 or 3 colress mech but thats optional i dont run it i have some other things im testing before i go back to those
raboyto's deck is what im running but without bouffalant and -1 catcher.But i'm starting to like the idea of taking out my -2 eviolite and replacing it with +2 bouffalant.
Also,instead of the 4th catcher i use DREX sigilyph.
Gusto83 said:
raboyto's deck is what im running but without bouffalant and -1 catcher.But i'm starting to like the idea of taking out my -2 eviolite and replacing it with +2 bouffalant.
Also,instead of the 4th catcher i use DREX sigilyph.

How's your win rates doing?
raboyto said:
Gusto83 said:
raboyto's deck is what im running but without bouffalant and -1 catcher.But i'm starting to like the idea of taking out my -2 eviolite and replacing it with +2 bouffalant.
Also,instead of the 4th catcher i use DREX sigilyph.

How's your win rates doing?

In my pokemon league my daughter is 5 out of 5 wins for the jr.league
I used her deck once in master's and was 4 out of 7 and made 4th place.I made some wrong choices and lost at least two of the three losses i had.

My daughter lost twice in her JR. league(deck had some changes)out of 15+ times she played with this deck.
The Gym leader stop her from playing any Jr. that started to play the game for the first time.

With this deck she also has taken out Sr's/Master's and Judge's and the Gym leader keep's avoiding her in a challenge.

I made the deck but she loved it so much she took it and made it hers lol.
She is only 7yrs old
That's awesome man. Glad to hear that you and your daughter have been having a great time. She must be really great for her age division!
Serperior said:
Could you elaborate just a little more on your strategy? Thanks!

If you have 3 PLS crobats you can draw 3 cards and with toxic laser+virbank city gym thats 10dmg laser +20dmg from gym +40dmg on the attack +40 poision affect of the attack =110dmg.

If the defending player does not want that to happen they will retreat and bring out a bench pokemon.And that's the idea of the deck.When they do retreat,it will cost them energy,tool cards,ect. When there new active pokemon is out,do the same thing. Mewtwo is just there to scare players from stacking energy on one pokemon.and if they do stack energy,use Mewtwo.

I also use Tornadus_EX so if my virbank city card is out ill do 60 dmg

The best hand to have on your turn and you must have the first turn is:
Mewtwo/DCE/Toxic laser/Virbank city gym. BONK!
Gusto83 said:
Serperior said:
Could you elaborate just a little more on your strategy? Thanks!

If you have 3 PLS crobats you can draw 3 cards and with toxic laser+virbank city gym thats 10dmg laser +20dmg from gym +40dmg on the attack +40 poision affect of the attack =110dmg.

If the defending player does not want that to happen they will retreat and bring out a bench pokemon.And that's the idea of the deck.When they do retreat,it will cost them energy,tool cards,ect. When there new active pokemon is out,do the same thing. Mewtwo is just there to scare players from stacking energy on one pokemon.and if they do stack energy,use Mewtwo.

I also use Tornadus_EX so if my virbank city card is out ill do 60 dmg

The best hand to have on your turn and you must have the first turn is:
Mewtwo/DCE/Toxic laser/Virbank city gym. BONK!

Actually Crobat's attack nullifies Toxic-Laser's poisoning and the 40 poison is boosted by 20 making it do 60 just from poison.
^ Ah your right! I forgot about that,sry. If you look at the bright side, its 120dmg in poison when its your next turn.
Gusto83 said:
^ Ah your right! I forgot about that,sry. If you look at the bright side, its 120dmg in poison when its your next turn.

Yeah doing 60 damage in between turns is pretty huge. I run a Crobat deck and it works pretty well.