Hi, I need to know what you think of my deck.
3 zubat
3 crobat
2 mewtwo ex
1 lugia ex
2 duskull
2 dusknoir
2 sigilyph
4 rarecandy
2 pokemon catcher
4 hypnotoxic
2 virbank city
1 scramble switch
2 corless
2 n
3 skyla
2 juniper
3 cheren
2 switch
2 ultraball
2 cilan
4 plasma energy
8 psychic
2 dce
I'm thinking about these changes:
- 2-0-2 dusknoir
+ 2-2 toxicroak
- 2 cilan
+ 1 juniper
+ 1 ultraball
Or + 2 pokemon catcher
3 zubat
3 crobat
2 mewtwo ex
1 lugia ex
2 duskull
2 dusknoir
2 sigilyph
4 rarecandy
2 pokemon catcher
4 hypnotoxic
2 virbank city
1 scramble switch
2 corless
2 n
3 skyla
2 juniper
3 cheren
2 switch
2 ultraball
2 cilan
4 plasma energy
8 psychic
2 dce
I'm thinking about these changes:
- 2-0-2 dusknoir
+ 2-2 toxicroak
- 2 cilan
+ 1 juniper
+ 1 ultraball
Or + 2 pokemon catcher