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Crobat / Ninetales Fun Deck


Aspiring Trainer
Hello everyone! i came up with this new deck idea and am looking for some improvement ideas. so far my strategy revolves on burning and poisoning the opponent. keep in mind that this is mainly just for fun and i dont plan to use this deck competitively. Im mostly looking for advice on what to cut from my deck and any revised deck lists but all advice is appreciated. so far i got:

Pokemon (25):

2-1-2 Emboar (BW)
2-1-2 Crobat (Plasma storm)
2-2 Ninetales (Dragons exalted)
2-2 Volcarona (dark explorers)
2-2 Cinccino (85/99 NXD)
2 reshiram (BW)
1 Ginatina (PLS)

Trainer (16):
2 Virbank City gym
2 rare candy
1 great ball
2 laser
1 Cilan
2 Cheren
1 Colress
3 Pokemon communication
2 N
1 level ball

Energy (17):
13 fire energy
4 blend energy GFPD

EDIT: new deck list. used some older cards not in the format but im not gona be using it for that anyway
RE: new fun deck idea (crobat/ninetales)

Why not Cut out Crobat and use lasers and virbank? You can cut ninetales too because with pokemon catcher having anything on the bench is just easy prizes and bait. You should run 2-1-2 emboar since you have rare candies. Switch is never a bad choice as well as super rod since you may need to recover Pokémon and energy from time to time.

I know you said its just for fun but catcher being a card that is played in every deck you wont get past turn 5 lol I like the idea though :D
RE: new fun deck idea (crobat/ninetales)

Darkshy said:
Why not Cut out Crobat and use lasers and virbank? You can cut ninetales too because with pokemon catcher having anything on the bench is just easy prizes and bait. You should run 2-1-2 emboar since you have rare candies. Switch is never a bad choice as well as super rod since you may need to recover Pokémon and energy from time to time.

I know you said its just for fun but catcher being a card that is played in every deck you wont get past turn 5 lol I like the idea though :D

i was also thinking about incorporating blaziken from dark explorers too if that would help
I recently played against a similar deck idea, and boy was it annoying, yet fun.

It revolved around Ninetails & Amoongus (Sporeprize).
Basically it used Ninetails ability to drag your Pokemon out & burn it or Sporeprize to poison/confuse it.

With the ability, the guy wasn't even playing with Catcher.

So maybe up the Ninetails.

Another possible card is Heatmoor from Plasma Storm (luring flame switches defending & burns new defending).
EricDent said:
I recently played against a similar deck idea, and boy was it annoying, yet fun.

It revolved around Ninetails & Amoongus (Sporeprize).
Basically it used Ninetails ability to drag your Pokemon out & burn it or Sporeprize to poison/confuse it.

With the ability, the guy wasn't even playing with Catcher.

So maybe up the Ninetails.

Another possible card is Heatmoor from Plasma Storm (luring flame switches defending & burns new defending).
Heheh... Heatmor. Thanks for reminding me about that deck. That T2 200 damage is just too much fun.
If this is a fun deck, forget the 2-2 Cinccino. Try Volacrona. You can get super poison AND super burn in between turns you can deal up to 100dmg.