Pokemon: 19
This deck is designed to deal targeted damages with the Bats' Abilities, weakening the opponent's pokemon that we want, and not only the active one. We play the whole 4-4-4 line to maximize the odds of getting what we need as soon as possible.
Wobbuffet is a really good teammate here, both with his Ability to block other Abilities, even if some common Pokemon are immune to it (Mew-EX for example), but it stops Pyroar and other annoying pokemons.
Sigilyph are here mainly against Dark decks, and in general against EX abusing decks.
Mewtwo-EX is a great finisher and can kill really fast.
I use AZ and the Scoop Up to trigger as much as we can the Bats Abilities, and to heal my pokemons (for example curing and healing a Sigilyph hit by Laser).
I play Shauna over N, cause I find her more consistent, but it's a matter of preferences.
4 Dimensionnal Valley are mandatory, cause I want to be able to attack with the Bats for free, and with Wobbuffet for 1 Energy.
Cards that can be used :
- Dowsing Machine and Computer Search can be used instead of Scoop Up Cyclone.
- I'd like to test maybe Gengar-EX, as he can target on the bench too.
- N can replace Shauna
- Mew-EX can be tested
- Mr Mime w/ Bench Barrier is kinda good in the deck, protecting our Bats coming in and out with Scoop Up while a Wobbuffet hits hard.
- Bis Ball will be tested instead of the Great Ball, to find our Bats.
4 Zubat PHF
4 Golbat PHF
4 Crobat PHF
4 Wobbuffet PHF
2 Sigilyph LTR
1 Mewtwo-EX
4 Professor Juniper
4 Shauna
2 Lysandre
1 Lysandre's Trump Card
1 Pokemon Fan Club
1 AZ
4 Ultra Ball
3 VS Seeker
3 Enhanced Hammer
3 Super Scoop Up
2 Head Ringer
1 Great Ball
1 Scoop Up Cyclone
4 Dimensional Valley
7 Psychic Energy
This deck is designed to deal targeted damages with the Bats' Abilities, weakening the opponent's pokemon that we want, and not only the active one. We play the whole 4-4-4 line to maximize the odds of getting what we need as soon as possible.
Wobbuffet is a really good teammate here, both with his Ability to block other Abilities, even if some common Pokemon are immune to it (Mew-EX for example), but it stops Pyroar and other annoying pokemons.
Sigilyph are here mainly against Dark decks, and in general against EX abusing decks.
Mewtwo-EX is a great finisher and can kill really fast.
I use AZ and the Scoop Up to trigger as much as we can the Bats Abilities, and to heal my pokemons (for example curing and healing a Sigilyph hit by Laser).
I play Shauna over N, cause I find her more consistent, but it's a matter of preferences.
4 Dimensionnal Valley are mandatory, cause I want to be able to attack with the Bats for free, and with Wobbuffet for 1 Energy.
Cards that can be used :
- Dowsing Machine and Computer Search can be used instead of Scoop Up Cyclone.
- I'd like to test maybe Gengar-EX, as he can target on the bench too.
- N can replace Shauna
- Mew-EX can be tested
- Mr Mime w/ Bench Barrier is kinda good in the deck, protecting our Bats coming in and out with Scoop Up while a Wobbuffet hits hard.
- Bis Ball will be tested instead of the Great Ball, to find our Bats.