I just got the game! Its absolutely amazing. Me and my Dad both love it! I'm on delta difficulity right now.
The graphics are nice on my 22X18"" moniter, however, I can't really get the frame rate I was hoping for. One would have to buy an $800.00 or so video card to really get the full capacity of this game. But still, the graphics are god-like, and really, the storyline took me by surprise. Lol, the Koreans talk loudly in the game.
The thing I like most about this game, is the fact your suit has so many options. However, it takes a while to toggle between those options, and the fact that the game doesn't pause while you're toggling between options is a pain. Another con would be that if you have so many weapons, if may take a while to get through them all to find the one you like. I only have 4 weapons right now (not including my fists), and it has proven difficult to do so while you're getting fired at.
In conclusion, this is a new game era all its own. Not like Quake or Doom or any of those past first-person-shooter games. This is a new era. I'm sure that many future games will be modeled after this one's structure. Its really a good game. Short, but good