Ruling Crystal Laser Misscall?


Peach is staring into your soul
Well, I went to a Cities on Saturday, and my brother was playing against a random Torterra deck. In the deck, it had Deoxys d HP, the collorless one. He attacked with Crystal Laser, which does 20 damage, and next turn does 40 more. Now, it would hit for 60 next turn. But, for each turn it attacks, would it to 40 more? EG, T1 20. T2 60. T3100. T4 140. I think you get the idea.

Any way, is this true? Because if it isn't, then there would be a major misscall in the tournamnet.
No, it shouldn't be like that. Because it says "Next Turn", which means only for next turn.
I aggre.
it would do 20 the first turn, 40 the next, 40 the next, 40 the next.....
and so on.
this is an effect based in the base damage (20+) not in the damage made the last turn.
Greeeattt miscall!!!!!!
If you run it with the dark deoxys though wouldn't it do 100? Because the dark deoxys does 60 to start with, so use their body and switch them right?
That is also correct.
Hm... Bad call on the judge's part. Boy, my brother would have won that game, meaining he would have had a 3-1 record, meaning that he could have potentially won the Cities. Boy.
In his OP ,Stats, report a problem, he can complain, so this would not happen again. i also edited mi reply, cause the damage is 60, not 40.
And yes, it is an awsome combo use the deoxys forms that way....its a pitty they wont stand two turns....