We should all know what this deck does: use Celebi Prime for energy aceleration to Tornadus and Mewtwo EX. This deck has performed pretty well yesterday at the first day of states. So here it is:
Pokemon (11):
x4 Celebi Prime
x4 Tornadus
x3 Mewtwo EX
x1 Shaymin
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums (34):
x4 Professor Juniper
x4 Professor Oak's New Theory
x2 N
x3 Skyarrow Bridge
x3 Junk Arm
x3 Pokemon Catcher
x4 Dual Ball
x2 Eviolite
x3 Pokegear 3.0
x2 Pluspower
x3 Switch
x1 Super Scoop Up
Energy (14):
x10 Grass
x4 Double Colorless
This list a very consistent one that is not meant for techs. Techs help out in decks, but straight consistency is better. I hope you enjoy this well-performed deck!
Pokemon (11):
x4 Celebi Prime
x4 Tornadus
x3 Mewtwo EX
x1 Shaymin
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums (34):
x4 Professor Juniper
x4 Professor Oak's New Theory
x2 N
x3 Skyarrow Bridge
x3 Junk Arm
x3 Pokemon Catcher
x4 Dual Ball
x2 Eviolite
x3 Pokegear 3.0
x2 Pluspower
x3 Switch
x1 Super Scoop Up
Energy (14):
x10 Grass
x4 Double Colorless
This list a very consistent one that is not meant for techs. Techs help out in decks, but straight consistency is better. I hope you enjoy this well-performed deck!