• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Aspiring Trainer
this is my ctm deck list. hope you like it, if not, tell me what to change. (i am from argentina, and is other metagame here)

4 celebi
4 tornadus
2 mewtwo ex
1 smeargle
1 shaymin ul
1 shaymin ex

4 juniper
4 pont
3 n
4 junk arm
4 dual ball
3 skyarrow bridge
4 catcher
2 switch
3 pokegear
2 pp
1 super rod

If you could I would add terrakion as a zekeels counter. Maybe
-1 catcher (can be reused with junk arm)
-2 grass energies (hesitant about this)

+1 terrakion
+2 fighting energies (or prism)

Terrakion has helped me a lot against zekeels.
No. No Terrakion. It doesn't help much at all, plus it's really clunky.

-1 Shaymin EX
-1 Smeargle

+1 Gigas EX
+1 Virizion

Otherwise, your list is lookin' good.
Why virizion? I'd rather start with celebi and attack with tornadus, without virizion. I'd rather have shaymin EX than virizion because it attacks better later in the game if you are behind.
try dropping 1 tornadus for a Regigigas EX. With Gaia Power it would be the same cost to get swinging for 80 turn 1 without being weak to elec later in the game. works great with eviolite. If you run gigas I would drop -1 catcher for +1 Switch to make up for the higher retreat cost but I would only do this if you swap for gigas.