Cubone Deck?


Aspiring Trainer
I was thinking about making kinda just a fun deck feauring cubone as the main attacker. I was thinking that the whole premise of the deck could revolve around getting 4 marowaks in the discard pile. This gives cubone a reduction in damage by 80 making him a pretty good tank. Even his electric resistance means he can take a bolt strike.

Obviously this deck has some obvious flaws first off you would have to get all marowaks in the discard pile. I was thinking for this you could use a combination of Juniper, Junk Arm (just for discarding marowaks in my hand), and sages training. (If anyone else has any good discarding suggestions let me know).

Another flaw would be cubone has a very luck based attack which isn't too good :p. I was thinking if you got statused like confused or whatever you could retreat around it considering it only has a one retreat cost. This deck would kinda work like the somewhat luck based champions gyarados deck however it wouldn't do as well xD.

I was also thinking a reliable healer like serperior and the like would help him recover the damage he would be taking. Also another falw would be that cubone has a pitiful 40 health :p. This would mean that it would have to be attacked with 120+ attack to be killed which not many pokemon have.

So I mean tell me any suggestions you have for this deck I could make.

Any fatal flaws in this strategy that I haven't really covered?

Any other good supporting pokemon I could add to this deck?

How well could it work?

And anything else you want to add would be nice :D

Thank you for helping!
It's a fun deck, hilariously I don't actually have enough cubones/marowaks to finish it. Serperior could be a neat tech, but I think in this case Cherrim UL might be better, since you don't likely need to heal your bench much. Heck, since you're healing so little damage, potions FULLY HEAL a cubone.

I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but any effects that benefit from pokemon in your discard pile are a good thing.

I think Juniper, Junk Arm, and Sage's is plenty to get 4 marowaks into the grave by turn 2 or 3. You'll likely rip through a good chunk of your deck, too.

Consider Kingdra Prime for more damage. You don't need fighting energy for Cubone, so water energy for Kingdra's attack wouldn't be out of place either. Also remember if you still have a Marowak in hand, you can evolve and KO zekroms.

Heck, Houndoom Prime or Roserade UL for damage-inducing statuses? I don't know.
Dude! you could work up to a lone cubone but why not attack with the marrowak first? Its basicly a donphan with 40 less hp but with the ability to do 120 dmg instead of 60 for just 2 colorless energy!
So try making a Champwhacker deck. :p I can see that doing fairly well
you want to torture your opponent eh?

hypno HS. get them asleep and then making it so they cant hurt you if they do less than 80...if i was against you would would rage quit lol
Honestly, I would try this keep this deck simple and not go tech crazy. For instance, a like 2-1-2 Serperior line with 3 Rare Candies, takes up a lot more room than, 3 Potion. In this list Potion>Serperior. You are going to need a lot of hand refreshing power because you are going to want to run into those Junk Arm, I highly recommend something like 2 Juniper, 3 Judge, 4 PONT. Judge is great to play early game to disrupt them, if you can draft up a consistent enough list to where you can set up off it. As for searching out Marowaks, Pokeball, Pokemon Communication and Professor Elm's Training Method are totally this decks bros, don't leave them hangin'.

As for a back up attacker, it would be a good idea to look into simple lines that can utilize DCE, or maybe Donphan Prime. You could play Reshiram or Zekrom just for their Outrage attacks, I've tried that in other decks and it works beautifully, it would also be a good idea to look into playing Boufallant because I'm sure this deck struggles with RDL, plus it can be useful in a lot of other match ups. I wouldn't be afraid to attack with Marowak either if you feel that it is the right thing to do in the situation, maybe some Stadium techs? If you are considered about the Kingdra Prime match up, or want quick Burn, you could totally tech in Torkoal UL too.
I played a deck like this for a few weeks, maxing out Juniper and Junk Arm with 3 Sage's Training. The basic idea was the same, get the Marowaks into the discard pile to tank with Cubone, but I ran it with Granbull HGSS and Drifblim UD. Drifblim would take away the active, forcing me to send up my Cubone while they had to struggle to kill it (played defenders too). Granbull used the same idea, hitting for 50, 20 to itself, and switching to the bench to send up another Cubone. Dodrio lets you retreat for free so you don't have to waste an energy retreating your Cubones. After Granbull has accumulated damage from timid tackle, you can send him up and use chomp for 120 if it will get you an important knockout, or keep spamming Drifblim. It's an annoying deck, but I couldn't get it to work as well as I wanted. Status effects would be great with this. I'd personally use Roserade with rainbow energy.