current legal sets


Aspiring Trainer
are the current legal tourny sets all DP and HG&SS? And when will it change and what will change. Thank you.
Yes to the first question. The second question there is no information confirming when or where yet. If there is going to be a change, it will probably be announced soon.
Currently it is:

Daimond and Pearl
Mysterious Treasues
Secret Wonders
Great Encounters
Majestic Dawn
Legends Awakened
Rising Rivals
Supreme Victors
HeartGold & SoulSilver

And after worlds it will either be changed to Stormfront and on or Platinum and on.
Where did you get a confirmation? As far as I know TPCI hasn't given any official statement of what the cut will be and when. True it is normally done after Worlds, but if there is no confirmation, there is no guarantee. Remember how no sets were cut after Worlds this time.
DeoxysUnknownForme said:
Currently it is:

Daimond and Pearl
Mysterious Treasues
Secret Wonders
Great Encounters
Majestic Dawn
Legends Awakened
Rising Rivals
Supreme Victors
HeartGold & SoulSilver

And after worlds it will either be changed to Stormfront and on or Platinum and on.

Not completely true. HS Unleashed isn't legal yet ;D

The other legal sets are the DP Promos (all of them), the HGSS promos (all of them), and POP series 6-9.
Well it will be in a month, so close enough XD.
DeoxysUnknownForme said:
Well it will be in a month, so close enough XD.

And regionals happen before that. So you can't go there and say it is legal just yet. But come release of the set go ahead and say it as much as you want.
Well, the format is Diamond and Pearl all the way until HeartGold/SoulSilver. Nobody knows if there is some kind of rotation next year, maybe there is, maybe there isn't. Nobody knows.
Any tin promo's/blister pack promos from DP on are legal as well. Also some of the POP series (don't know which)