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curse gar sp lock masters battle roads maybe


Aspiring Trainer
This deck is maid for the curse gengar its attack shadown skip it does sixty damage and ten to a bench pokemon then you may switch the curse gengar for a benched pokemon witch i usually bring up spiritomb. I use dodrio to retreat for free it reduces retreat costs by two. I have a pokemon sp lock in here what i do is have bench shiled on mantric and i keep sending up mewtwo x with shadow skip. Here is my deck list

Pokemon 25

Three doduo sv This is great too start with if you have a pokemon collector in hand
Two dodrio UD
One dodrio sv Might take this out and put in gengar prime
One uxie La
One sableye Might take this and put in a haunter triumphant
Two haunter ar going to put triumphant haunter
Two gastley sf
Two gengar curse ar
One gengar x ar
One unkown q md
Four spiritomb ar
Two electrike Pl great to start with pokemon collector
One menetric Pl
One mewtwo La
One mewtwo X La

Trainers supporters and stadiums 22

Four pokemon collector
Four bebe's serch
two proffers elms traing metod
Two expert belt
One department girl
Three copy cat
Two underground expidtion
One bench shield
One p o n t
One snow point temple might take out and put in alph ruins
One glatic Hq might take out and put in alph ruins

Energy 13

Four call energy
Two rainbow energy good if your chatter locked or good on mantric
Seven Psychich
This would look much neater if you used numbers instead of letters for the quantity.

-1 GHQ
-1 Snowpoint
-1-1 Dodrio SV
-1 Sableye
-2 Underground Expidition

+1-1-1 Gengar SF (Allows you to pick-off any benched pixies and such)
+2 BTS (With no rare candy you're better off running a few BTS to help set up multiple stage 1 pokemon at once)
+1 Palmer's Contribution (Recovery is needed in all decks)
+1 Luxury Ball
+1 Manectric PL
+1 Azelf LA (Incase something important is prized, plus allows you to lock pokemon in place if you need to stall)
+1 Uxie LA
Azelf is anoying on the bench so no you hafe to remeber i need room on the bench for techs and some times you find nothing you would need when you use time walk. I think gengar prime would be better for this deck rather than gengar from storm front that gengar isnt very use full for this deck i never really used it much. No doubt palmers can be good for getting spiritombs back in the deck but some times it can creates junk. One manetric is good i use to have two but the other one just became useless and just stays in my hand. No doubt broken time space could be good i might add that in when gengar prime comes out. The problem with luxury ball is that you cant use it when your setting up with spiritomb so no
You don't always have to use Luxury Ball T1/T2 when spiritomb is active, and the chances of it being in your hand early game are pretty low so its hardly dead weight plus the fact that it can search for any pokemon (except lvX) with no drawbacks is good enough reason to at least play 1. Same logic applies to Azelf. It's not something you ALWAYS have to use, you would of course use it after using some search card so you can see what's in your deck and make an accurate guess of whats in the prizes. It doesn't always have to hit the bench.

As for the recovery, well, it's uses are debatable but consider that one of the most common decks you're bound to face (During this format and most likely the MD-Triumphant format) is Luxchomp and Dialgachomp both having no problem shutting down/dragging up Manectric and focus on Dodrio UD essentially throwing a wrench in your boomerang strategy. You should at least consider some form of recovery.
Well today i went aginst a luxchomp deck i did have mentric set up with bench shield on it. What i think i need to do is add another unkown q.