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Cursed Poison (Toxicroak EX / Dusknoir Deck)


Aspiring Trainer
Hey guys! Today I will be sharing my idea for a Toxicroak EX and Dusknoir deck. If you have any suggestions for the deck, please share them. It would help the deck and my deck building skills in general!


  • 4x Toxicroak EX
    3x Duskull
    1x Duskclops
    2x Dusknoir (B&W Boundaries Crossed)
    1x Dusknoir (X&Y Flashfire)
    1x Mr. Mime

  • 2x Virbank City Gym
    3x Ultra Ball
    3x Great Ball
    1x Master Ball
    3x Skyla
    2x Random Receiver
    2x Energy Retrieval
    3x Professors Letter
    2x Tierno
    2x Professor Sycamore
    4x Max Potion
    4x Junk Arm
    2x Recycle
    3x Startling Megaphone

  • 9x Psychic Energy
    3x Double Colorless Energy

Get a Toxicroak EX up with a Virbank City Gym as the stadium. Try and get a Dusknoir (B&W BC) on the bench. Attack with Toxicroak and move the damage around as you like with Dusknoir. If you can get a Flashfire Dusknoir on your bench, move all the damage to that Dusknoir and then when it's pretty low on health, use Max Potion. Mr. Mime helps here because bench damage would knockout Dusknoir. You can retrieve the already used Max Potions with Junk Arm and Recycle.
You cant retrieve max potions with super rod, just pointing it out. also 2 energy retrieval + 4 super rod is really overkill since that allows you to retrieve 16 energy and you only have 9 retrievable energies. Your team relies heavily on dusknoirs abilities so you need something to deal with garbodor, so add in some megaphones too. Also this deck cant poison anything with virizion in, so you might want to consider adding a line to help deal with it. you can still use smash uppercut but i figure the main aim of your deck is using triple poison.