What do you guys think?
Players: (23)
3: Gastly - Stormfront
2: Haunter - Arceus
3: Gengar - 1 Arceus 2 Stormfront
1: Gengar lvlX - Arceus
2: Oddish - Legends
2: Gloom - Legends
2: VilePlume - Undaunted
1: Misdreavus - Stormfront
1: MisMagius - Unleashed
1: Azelf - Legends
1: Azelf lvlX - Legends
4: Spiritomb - Arceus
Energy (12)
12: Psychic Energy
Trainers/Stadium/Supporters (25)
2: Miasma Valley
2: Seeker
2: Interviewers Questions
2: Team Rockets Trickery
1: Professor Oaks Theory
3: Pokemon Collector
4: Bebe's Search
2: Palmer's Contribution
2: Cynthia's Guidance
1: Premier Ball
2: Pokemon Reversal
2: Rare Candy
Strategy - A mixture of CurseGar and VileGar with a splash of trainer lock.
Players: (23)
3: Gastly - Stormfront
2: Haunter - Arceus
3: Gengar - 1 Arceus 2 Stormfront
1: Gengar lvlX - Arceus
2: Oddish - Legends
2: Gloom - Legends
2: VilePlume - Undaunted
1: Misdreavus - Stormfront
1: MisMagius - Unleashed
1: Azelf - Legends
1: Azelf lvlX - Legends
4: Spiritomb - Arceus
Energy (12)
12: Psychic Energy
Trainers/Stadium/Supporters (25)
2: Miasma Valley
2: Seeker
2: Interviewers Questions
2: Team Rockets Trickery
1: Professor Oaks Theory
3: Pokemon Collector
4: Bebe's Search
2: Palmer's Contribution
2: Cynthia's Guidance
1: Premier Ball
2: Pokemon Reversal
2: Rare Candy
Strategy - A mixture of CurseGar and VileGar with a splash of trainer lock.