Cyrus's conspiracy


I Died, I'm back, suck it up!
Isn't that a typo, shouldn't it be cyrus' conspiracy? my friend found it, and i agreed, there should be no s after the apostrify.
The rule WAS that you only did s' if the owner was plural, but names that ended in s still got 's. However, it's been changed so that either is acceptable for names ending in s to avoid confusion.
No, it should NOT be Cyrus' conspiracy.

The apostrophe is used to show posession, and you use an 's on anything that is singular, and last time I checked, Cyrus is 1 guy. It would only be Cyrus' conspiracy if there were 2 Cyrus, and in this case there is 1 man.


James. Ends with S. But is singular. SO: It is James's house.

James family. James ends with S. Is plural. SO: It is the James' house.

Get it?
Wiseman. said:
No, it should NOT be Cyrus' conspiracy.

The apostrophe is used to show posession, and you use an 's on anything that is singular, and last time I checked, Cyrus is 1 guy. It would only be Cyrus' conspiracy if there were 2 Cyrus, and in this case there is 1 man.


James. Ends with S. But is singular. SO: It is James's house.

James family. James ends with S. Is plural. SO: It is the James' house.

Get it?

Sort of. James' house, singular James, is now modernly acceptable. There was an argument on the 'Gym about it, wikipedia quickly solved the issue.
Wikipedia said:
Basic rule (singular nouns)

For most singular nouns the ending 's is added; e.g., the cat's whiskers.

* If a singular noun ends with an /s/ or a /z/ sound (spelled with -s, -se, -z, -ce, for example), practice varies as to whether to add 's or the apostrophe alone. A widely accepted practice is to follow whichever spoken form is judged better: the boss's shoes, Mrs Jones' hat (or Mrs Jones's hat, if that spoken form is preferred). In many cases, both spoken and written forms differ between writers.
Technically, either way is perfectly fine; you can say "James'" or "James's," and it will not break a rule.
Dude, a three year old can edit wikipedia. The source is so unreliable we cannot use it in high school. Modernly it is accepted but used improperly. If Dr. Samuel Johnson (inventor) saw us using it wrong, he'd kill us. So, Cyrus's scheme is correct, but Cyrus' scheme is the IMPROPER BUT modern way to write it.
Fine. I'll go file a complaint to MLA then. I'll get you that more reliable source.

MLA said:
• add 's to the singular form of the word (even if it ends in -s):

the owner's car

James's hat
Alright you got your win, Wiseman. Happy?
I care about grammar, sir.

While it is accepable, I've just realized it's still not exactly the correct way (great, even my English teacher is wrong every now and then).
Most certainly not wrong, surprising that people even think it is. Teaches you to pay less attention to your teachers, that's for sure. Unless your English teacher strictly enforces MLA. Lol.

dmaster out.