Ruling Cyrus's Conspiracy


Hey everybody! I have a quick question about the above mentioned
Can you use its search out a supporter effect to pull out another Cyrus's Conspiracy? I think you can but I've been wrong before.

Oh and if you have a spare second i was wondering about this, can you play switch with no pokemon on your bench and can you night maintenance if you have nothing in your discard pile?

I would really appreciate it if someone answers these questions, thanks!
1. Yes, since it doesn't say that you can't, it means that you can.
2. No, requirements to play the card aren't met. It could be considered as a way just to thin your hand.
3. Same as 2
The Fallen One said:
1. Yes, since it doesn't say that you can't, it means that you can.
2. No, requirements to play the card aren't met. It could be considered as a way just to thin your hand.
3. Same as 2

Further clarification on 2 and 3:
You would be knowingly playing them to no effect. You cannot play a card if the effect of that card cannot be fully carried out. If, for example, you had only one card you can grab with Night Maintenence in your discard. You could grab that one card, because you are carrying out as much of the effect of the card as possible. If, via public knowledge, you are playing a card to no effect, it cannot be played.
But, of course, you can play Warp Point if one of the players has no Benched Pokémon, right? (Of course, that's where the "if any" phrase comes in.)

It'd be interesting to play a series of Cyrus's Conspiracy, attaching Energy Gains left and right...You can get that TM from Pulse with Cyrus's Conspiracy, right?
You can play Warp Point if only one player has a benched Pokemon. In that case you are using part of the effect, and in Pokemon you do what you can to fulfill a cards effects. As long as you can do part of it, you can use it, unless it says otherwise. Or if it is something similar to Night Maintenence but does not say "up to".

As long as they don't change the name of that TM to not be within the confines of Cyrus you would be able to get it.
Thanks guys, that clears a lot up. Now I'm wondering though, can you use a roseanne's research to search out nothing, and if you can will you still have to shuffle your deck? Thanks for your help!
bunnyboy0 said:
Thanks guys, that clears a lot up. Now I'm wondering though, can you use a roseanne's research to search out nothing, and if you can will you still have to shuffle your deck? Thanks for your help!

Yes, that is a legal play. The contents of your deck are not public knowledge, so even though you may actually have a basic Pokemon/basic energy in your deck, no one technically knows that. As for the second part, if you play Roseannes, you have to search your deck, because you searched your deck you must shuffle once you are done searching.
Kronar: So, if great ball was played and I had no basics, or if my bench was full, I could not play it? That is what you are basically suggesting.
Wiseman. said:
Kronar: So, if great ball was played and I had no basics, or if my bench was full, I could not play it? That is what you are basically suggesting.

Not quite. Content of the deck =/= public knowledge. If your bench is full, you could not play Great Ball. Your bench is public knowledge, so everyone can plainly see that you can no longer fit any Pokemon on your bench. Knowing you have no more Basics left in your deck is only known to you, it is not known by "the game", therefore not public knowledge. In fact, you could play Great Ball, fail the search by saying theres no more Basics in the deck, even if there are in fact still some there.
sid questoin, may i play a roseannes research, and still have an energy in my deck, and say i haven't, just so i don't get a card?
red blastoise said:
sid questoin, may I play a roseannes research, and still have an energy in my deck, and say I haven't, just so I don't get a card?

Yes, that is perfectly fine. Even if you just used Night Maintenence to get back basics and energy, and you play a Roseannes, you can still fail the search.