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Damage Deck (Noivern / Meowtic / Malamar EX)

Petey Rage

Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 14

  • 3x Noivern (furious fists)
    3x Malamar EX
    2x Meowtic (flash fire)
    2x Sigilyph (Legendary Treasures)
    2x Espurr
    2x Noibat.
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 31

  • 1x Gold Potion
    3x Potion
    2x Professor's Letter
    2x Colress
    4x Professor Oak's New Theory
    4x Shauna
    4x Hypnotoxic Laser
    3x Virbank City Gym
    3x Dimension Valley
    3x Sparkling Robe
Energy: 15

  • 5x Dark
    10x Psychic


Ive only played a few matches with this deck. The original idea was to have a Noivern and Meowtic combo.by have Meotic move Noiverns damage around. Doing practice matches i found the Malamar backs both Meotic and Noivern up pretty good. Meotic with the Virbank and Malamar are a good combo. Virbank wit Noivern is great as well. I use the sparkling robe to avoid status that changes And Flip between gyms confuse people. Both gyms are useful tho. I have issues as well but i rather here what the communty has to has at first glance before i state issues with this deck.

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
RE: Damage Deck [Noivern, Meowtic, Malamar EX]

First off, it may be worthwhile noting that Noivern has two possibly better replacements. Electivire BCR can do the same for 1 [L] and a DCE (2-turn set up), while Kyurem LT can do the same for 2 [W] and 1 colourless as well as do a decent amount of damage with outrage.
Also, Dusknoir BCR can do the same thing as Meowtic as an ability, so you do not need to attack!
Dimensional Valley has no use in this deck. Dimensional Valley takes a single Colourless energy off the attack cost of your Psychic Pokemon. None of your Psychic energy have a [C] cost meaning the Valley is unneeded. If you really want to add a different stadium, try the Training Stadium, which gives +30HP to Dusknoir and Noivern.

Pokemon changes:
-2 Siglyph (They're not too useful in this deck).
-2 Meowistic (Dusknoir is by far superior)
-2 Espurr (No Meowistic, no Dusknoir)
-1 Malamar-EX (Two should be enough)
+2 Dusknoir BCR (Superior)
+1 Dusclops BCR
+2 Duskull BCR
+1 Victini LT (For Malamar when attacking)

Trainer Changes:
-4 Shauna (You've already got Professor Oak; N is better in this circumstance)
-3 Potion (Not needed)
-1 Gold Potion (Computer Search is superior --> card search)
-3 Dimensional Valley (See above).
-2 Sparkling Robe (Not the best tool and you don't want too many if you're not vsing a Special Conditions deck)

+3 N (Superior)
+1 Computer Search (Superior)
+4 Ultra Ball (Staple; really needed for getting those Pokemon)
+3 Hard Charm (Great for resisting damage)
+2 Rare Candy (For getting out Dusknoir quicker)
+2 Skyla (Grabbing items such as Letters, Candy, Charms)
+2 VS Seeker (a staple)
+2 Training Center (see above)

-5 Psychic (Really don't need that much)