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damage swap dragons


Aspiring Trainer
4-2-2 gothitelle
2-1-2 reuniclus
2 reshiram
2 kyurem

4 elms
4 rare candy
4 comunication
4 level ball
2 twins
4 catcher
4 collector
2 max potion
2 seeker


trainer lock with gothitelle, then move counters off of it on to one of the dragons and outrage for OHKOs :D
Your drawpower is really lacking. Two Twins is nowhere near enough to pull you through the entire game. Plus, you have more search cards that you really need. Max Elms, max Level Ball, max Communication, and max Collector is way too much. I'd drop all of the Elms and the Level Ball for three N and three Professor Oak's New Theory for more drawpower, and I'd also add in another Gothitelle and Solosis. A 4-2-3 line of Gothitelle is more consistent, and with three Solosis, it improves your chances of being able to Bench two in case one of the Solosis is prized.
-4 elms (takes up your supporter for the turn and is not as good as communication convenience wise and twins)
-4 level ball (already communication)
-1 catcher (make room for JA)
-2 psychic energy (make room for JA)

+4 junk arm (reuse trainers)
+2 Sage's (get out stage 2s)
+3 PONT/N (draw power)
+1 extra space (in case I forgot anything)

I think more draw power is definitely necessary. Would a mew two EX help? Just wondering.
Please add the names if the main Pokémon to your deck title. Thanks.