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Danielthebrave awesome trade thread! Got Plasma Storm, Heatran Ex/Ex FA, Latios Ex FA, and more!


Aspiring Trainer
Hey people. I've got tons of cards to trade, but I have a few rules before trading.

1. Follow all Pokebeach rules
2. No swearing and insulting or your trade offers will be ignored
3. I will send all cards in sleeves, expect you to do the same
4. No rippers, you will be reported
5. Please don't ask me to hurry up and send. I'm extremely busy with school and all that stuff, so I apologize I I take too long


Heatran FA
Kyurem promo
Rayquaza Promo x2
Mewtwo Promo
Latios FA
Black Kyurem BC

Ace Spec:
Gold Potion
Dowsing Machine

Feraligatr promo
Meganium promo

Keldeo ex
DC Legend Full
DP Legend full

Alakazam 4
Electivire FB
Absol G
Lucario promo
Garchomp C
Blaziken FB
Torterra promo
Palkia G
Dialga G

Other Shiny Stars:
Arceus Fire
Arceus Lightning
Arceus Fighting
Arceus Water
Arceus Steel
Moltres Reprint
TH Lugia Legend
Zekrom FA

Plasma Freeze:
Weedle 1/116 x2
Treecko 6/116
Grovyle 7/116 x2
Cacnea 9/116
Flareon TP 12/116
Litwick 14/116
Lampent 15/116
Chandelure 16/116
Horsea 18/116
Seadra (reverse holo) 19/116
Tympole 24/116 x2
Vanillite 27/116 x2
Lanturn 36/116 x2
Pachirisu 37/116
Nidoran F (two regular, one reverse holo) 40/116 x3
Nidoran M 43/116
Grimer 45/116
Muk 46/116
Mr. Mime 47/116
Espeon TP 48/116 x2
Yamask 54/116 x2
Yamask (reverse holo) 55/116
Mankey 59/116
Primeape 60/116
Makuhita 62/116
Krokorok 69/116 x2
Pawniard 72/116 x2
Bisharp 73/116
Bisharp 74/116
Deino 75/116
Deino 76/116
Rattata 87/116
Staravia 96/116
Staraptor (reverse holo) 97/116
Float Stone 99/116
Superior Energy Retrieval 103/116
Team Plasma Badge (reverse holo) 104/116
Team Plasma Ball 105/116

Plasma Storm
Dual brain Magnezone reverse holo
Zubat x2
Rotom x2
Colorless Machine
Plasma Energy
Virbank City Gym

Supreme Victors:
Drifblim FB 3/147
Electivire FB 4/147
Garchomp 5/147
Metagross (reverse holo) 7/147
Rayquaza C 8/147
Staraptor FB 11/147
Yanmega 14/147
Arcanine G 15/147
Chimecho 21/147
Claydol 22/147
Dewgong 24/147
Dodrio 25/147
Empoleon FB (reverse holo) 27/147
Honchkrow 29/147
Lickilicky C 30/147
Lunatone 32/147
Mawile 33/147
Medicham (regular and reverse holo) 34/147
Milotic C (reverse holo) 35/147
Moltres 36/147
Mr. Mime 37/147
Parasect 38/147
Sandslash (reverse holo) 42/147
Seaking 43/147
Shedinja 44/147
Solrock 45/147
Spinda (regular and reverse holo) 46/147
Zapdos 48/147
Bibarel 51/147 x2
Breloom 52/147
Chatot G 54/147
Cherrim 55/147 x2
Drifblim 57/147 x2
Floatzel 58/147
Gabite 59/147 x2
Hippopotas 61/147 x2
Lopunny 63/147
Loudred 64/147 x2
Magmar 65/147
Manectric G 66/147
Marshtomp 67/147 x2
Masquerain 68/147
Milotic 70/147
Ninjask 73/147
Pinsir 75/147
Raichu 77/147 x2
Raticate G 78/147
Relicanth 79/147
Rhydon 80/147 x2
Roserade 81/147 x2
Skarmory FB 83/147
Staravia 85/147 x3
Yanma (reverse holo and regular) 88/147
Baltoy 89/147 x2
Beldum 90/147 x2
Bidoof 91/147 x4
Buizel 92/147 x2
Bulbasaur 93/147 x3
Buneary (regular and reverse holo) 94/147
Chatot 95/147 x2
Cherubi 96/147 x4
Chimchar 97/147 x3
Combee 99/147 x4
Corphish 100/147 x4
Croagunk 101/147 x3
Doduo 102/147 x5
Drifloon 103/147 x5
Feebas 104/147 x2
Geodude 105/147 x3
Gible 106/147 x4
Goldeen 107/147 x2
Growlithe 108/147 x4
Kricketot 109/147 x5
Magikarp 110/147 x3
Magnemite 111/147 x2
Mankey 112/147 x5
Meditite 113/147
Meowth 114/147 x3
Mime Jr. 115/147 x3
Mukdkip 116/147 x7
Nincada 117/147 x4
Pachirisu 118/147 x4
Paras 119/147 x3
Pikachu 120/147 x3
Piplup 121/147 x3
Rhyhorn 122/147
Roselia 123/147 x3
Sandshrew 124/147 x2
Shinx 126/147 x4
Shroomish 127/147 x4
Skorupi 128/147 x2
Starly 129/147 x3
Surskit 130/147 x4
Turtwig 131/147 x3
Zubat 133/147 x3
Whismur (regular and reverse holo) 132/147

Clefable 3/123
Hitmontop 5/123
Ninetales 7/123
Raichu 10/123
Meganium 26/123 holo deck card
Sandslash 29/123
Sunflora 31/95
Delibird (reverse holo) 39/123
Dunsparce 41/123
Metapod 46/123
Skiploom 51/123 x2
Girafarig 64/123
Jigglypuff 68/123
Magikarp 72/123
Meowth 75/123 x2
Sentret 80/123
Slowpoke 81/123
Spinarak 83/123
Staryu 84/123
Sunkern 85/123

Mismagius 5/95 non holo deck card
Lucario 19/95
Poliwrath 21/95
Torkoal 25/95
Minun 34/95
Pupitar 38/95
Chinchou 48/95
Horsea 49/95
Larvitar 50/95 x2
Larvitar 51/95
Mankey 53/95
Natu 55/95
Onix (reverse holo) 57/95
Poliwag 58/95
Remoraid 59/95
Riolu 60/95
Roselia 61/95
Stantler 64/95 x2

Bellossom 1/90 non holo
Espeon 2/90 non holo
Magcargo 6/90
Dodrio 11/90
Forretress 13/90
Gloom 27/90
Muk 31/90 x2
Raticate 34/90
Scyther 36/90
Skuntank 36/90
Togetic 38/90
Doduo 45/90 x2
Eevee 48/90 x3
Grimer 50/90 x2
Togepi 70/90

Call of Legends:
Vaporean 52/95
Chikorita 53/95
Mareep 63/95
Phanpy 66/95
Relicanth 69/95

Black and White:
Pansage 7/114
Deerling 13/114
Tepig 15/114
Darumaka 23/114
Dewott 29/114
Dewott 30/114
Samurott (reverse holo) 31/114
Swanna 37/114
Zebstrika 42/114
Joltik 45/114
Woobat 50/114
Venipede 52/114
Reuniclus 57/114
Sandile 63/114
Krokorok 64/114 x2
Krookodile 65/114
Purrloin 66/114 x3
Vullaby 72/114 x2
Klink 74/114
Klang 75/114
Patrat 78/114 x2
Lillipup (reverse holo) 80/114
Lillipup 81/114
Herdier 82/114
Minccino 88/114
Cinccino 89/114

Noble Victories:
Foongus 9/101
Amoongus 10/101
Eelektrik 40/101 x2
Cofagrigus (reverse holo) 47/101
Trubbish 48/101
Elgyem 54/101
Stunfisk 68/101
Mienshao 70/101
Deino 77/101
Pawniard 81/101
Cobalion 84/101
Druddigon 89/101

Dragons Exalted:
Hoppip 1/124
Yanmega 5/124
Cascoon 9/124
Nincada 10/124
Roselia 13/124
Roserade 15/124
Maractus (regular and reverse holo) 16/124
Foongus 17/124
Magmar 20/124
Wailmer 25/124
Mareep 38/124
Electrike 42/124 x2
Manectric 44/124
Drifloon 49/124
Gothita 55/124
Golett 58/124 x2
Cubone 60/124
Baltoy 63/124 x2
Skuntank 77/124
Lairon 79/124
Probopass (reverse holo) 82/124
Altaria 84/124
Gible 86/124
Deino 94/124
Zweilous 95/124
Aipom 99/124
Swablu 104/124
Bidoof 106/124
Bibarel 107/124
Audino 108/124 x2
Minccino 109/124
Bouffalant 110/124

21 Fighting
1 Holo Power Keepers Fighting
17 Water
10 Pyschic
9 Grass
2 Fire
1 Dark
1 Special Metal
1 Holon Energy FF
1 Blend Energy WLFM
1 Plasma Energy

3 Champions Room
2 Lake Boundary
1 Miasma Valley
1 Snowpoint Temple
2 Aspertia City Gym
1 Ruins of Alph

3 Buffer Piece

I have many other cards, just ask for a card, and i will tell you if i have it or not

Dragon Type Exes I don't have! This includes FAs!
Shiny Stars
Infernape Cards; English only and I want these MINT. Ive only got a Stormfront one and a Plasma Storm one
RE: lf exes and stuff like that

CML for FA ZekromEX, FA LandorusEX, Shiny Terrakion, and Computer Search.
RE: lf exes and stuff like that

Hello. Would you do my Keldeo EX for your Landorus EX? Also, do you have any Sigilyph DRX? I could trade some EX's you don't have if you have some. Let me know, thanks.
RE: lf exes and stuff like that

Can you see my list for your Landorus reg and full art and computer search please? Thanks. I have some codes unlisted (not a whole lot but some to maybe even out a trade).
RE: lf exes and stuff like that

i really want your shiny terrakion from BC

BINX has
cg- jirachi EX
shiny golurk
shiny altaria
FA cheren
UR SR dragon set- cities charmander
please check my thread
RE: lf exes and stuff like that

Pokepuzzle said:
do you want these:

reshiram ex
Zekrom ex
Kyurem ex


Srry for the long delay, I've been extremely busy
Sorry don't need those exes

jgreen said:
cml for
landorus ex
ace spec computer search
thank u

Srry for the long delay, I've been extremely busy

Srry, already traded them to someone else. Anything else you want from me?

Binx345 said:
i really want your shiny terrakion from BC

BINX has
cg- jirachi EX
shiny golurk
shiny altaria
FA cheren
UR SR dragon set- cities charmander
please check my thread

Srry for the long delay, I've been extremely busy

I'm interested in Cheren FA and Altaria Shiny. Maybe I can trade Terrakion shiny for one of those.
RE: Danielthebrave's awesome trade thread! Got FA Landy ex and more!

are u interested in some boundaries crossed packs?
RE: Danielthebrave's awesome trade thread! Got FA Landy ex and more!

Hey bud wanna cml for Landorus EX and Terrakion Shiny?
Ive got a Raikou * for trade and more! Including sealed WOTC packs!
RE: Danielthebrave's awesome trade thread! Got FA Landy ex and more!

HI there! Could you please CML for Terrakion Shiny or Landorus EX FA. Thanks...
RE: Danielthebrave's awesome trade thread! Got FA Landy ex and more!

Do you still landorus ex FA still?
RE: Danielthebrave's awesome trade thread! Got FA Landy ex and more!

4x Eelektrik (Dynamotor)
4xx Tynamo (Thunderwave)
1x Rayquaza Dragon Vault

Shiny Terrakion (from BCR right?)
RE: Danielthebrave's awesome trade thread! Got FA Landy ex and more!

ExcaliDrose said:
are u interested in some boundaries crossed packs?

depends on what you want for them

Afrodaddy said:
4x Eelektrik (Dynamotor)
4xx Tynamo (Thunderwave)
1x Rayquaza Dragon Vault

Shiny Terrakion (from BCR right?)

srry mainly looking for other shinies and stuff for terrakion shiny

radhippoh said:
Do you still landorus ex FA still?


Wow so many of you want terrakion shiny, so heres what im gonna do. each of you that want it post offers to me. i will take the best offer i like. if none of the offers interest me, i will say so, then you send new offers. let the bidding begin!

Puckstopper20 said:
interested in a ho oh ex FA?

yea ive been actually looking for one. what do you want for it?
RE: Danielthebrave's awesome trade thread! Got FA Landy ex and more!

Can you cml for something else along with the Ho Oh for Landorus EX FA?
RE: Danielthebrave's awesome trade thread! Got FA Landy ex and more!

Can you please CML for the landorus EX?