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Dark Assault (Gengar EX / Wobbuffet / Trevenant)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 17
    3 Gengar EX
    3 Wobbuffet PHF
    2 Toxicroak EX
    2-2 Trevenant XY
    2-1-2 Gothitelle FFI

  • 34
    2 Dimension Valley

    3 Muscle Band
    3 Head Ringer
    3 Ultra Ball
    2 Weakness Policy
    2 Enhanced Hammer
    2 Evosoda
    2 Red Card
    2 VS Seeker
    2 Professor's Letter
    1 Tool Retriever
    1 Startling Megaphone

    4 Professor Sycamore
    3 Battle Reporter
    2 Xerosic

  • 9
    7 Psychic Energy
    2 Mystery Energy


Hey everyone. Ive played the Pokemon TCG casually on and off with my friends for a few years and have decided to try to make a more competitive oriented deck.I am planning on building this deck for next rotation so I do not have specific counters for things like Donphan, VirGen, or Garbodor.
The first part of the strategy of this deck is to set up attacks quickly using Dimension Valley with Gengar EX and Wobbuffet as the main attackers. Gengar EX can use Dark Corridor to hit the opponent's active Pokemon for 80 with Muscle Band and then switch to Wobbuffet. Wobbuffet will be able to hit for 110 after poison damage. Wobbuffet also allows me to shut down the opponent's abilities. I have Mystery Energy so I can retreat Wobbuffet and M Gengar EX.
The second part of the strategy is to disrupt the opponent at the same time. The Head Ringers and Enhanced Hammers disrupt energy flow for the opponent. The Startling Megaphones allow me to be able to attach the Head Ringers. I realize that Wobbuffet shuts down Malamar EX's ability, but I feel that Malamar is still a strong addition to the deck. I'd use it to put the opponent to sleep while Gengar EX is in the active spot.
Since my deck doesn't have one "power" Pokemon, but relies on Gengar EX and Wobbuffet working in tandem, I also added the M Gengar EX to be able to use the moves of the opponent's "power" Pokemon against them. Dedenne allows me to fight Yveltal EX decks. The Magnetic Storm allows my deck to still function against Dark or Metal decks. Xerosic is a versatile card that functions as a Startling Megaphone, Tool Retriever, or Enhanced Hammer while under item lock.
One idea that I was thinking about was using Furious Fists Sylveon to further disrupt energy flow. It would work well with the Target Whistles. I would have to re work my deck to include it though.
From my uneducated view of the TCG, my deck has two main weaknesses. 1, there is a lack of energy acceleration, so I have to rely on Dimension Valley and disrupting the opponents as much as possible to perform well. 2, I have a problem with playing against Dark and Metal decks since my main attackers are Psychic types. The Magnetic Storm helps out, but only in a limited role.
I'd greatly appreciate if you guys could give me feedback and advice on improving the deck!

Updated Strategy:

Took out M Gengar EX, Malamar EX, and Dedenne and added Trevenant, Gothitelle and Toxicroak EX. Ideally, I still start with Gengar EX and then Dark Corridor into either Trevenant or Wobbuffet, depending on whether its more important to put the opponent under item lock or disable their abilities. Gothitelle ensures that I win Stadium war. Toxicroak EX's first attack can start setting up decent damage for Wobbuffet as long as the opponent can be affected by Status Conditions, and its second attack is unaffected by resistance.

Weakness Policy - Trainer

Pokemon Tool: Attach a Pokemon Tool to 1 of your Pokemon that doesn’t already have a Pokemon Tool attached to it.

The Pokemon this card is attached to has no Weakness.

You can play as many Item cards as you like during your turn (before your attack).

Original Deck List


  • 12
    3-2 M Gengar EX
    2 Malamar EX
    3 Wobbuffet PHF
    2 Dedenne FFI

  • 38
    3 Dimension Valley, 1 Magnetic Storm

    4 Muscle Band
    3 Head Ringer
    3 Enhanced Hammer
    3 Energy Switch
    2 Gengar Spirit Link
    2 Target Whistle
    2 VS Seeker
    2 Ultra Ball
    2 Startling Megaphone
    1 Tool Retriever
    1 Escape Rope

    3 Professor Sycamore
    2 Pokemon Fan Club
    2 Lysandre
    2 Xerosic

  • 10
    4 Mystery Energy
    6 Psychic Energy

Edited: Prefix of Post, Title, Revised deck list and Strategy
RE: Dark Assault (Gengar EX / Wobbuffet / Malamar EX)

Sorry for the bump. I was also thinking about adding in either a 2-2-2 line of FFI Gothitelle to ensure that I have either a Dimension Valley or Magnetic Storm up when I need it. Or adding a 2-2-2 line of FLF Dusknoir to increase survivability of the attackers of the deck. Gothitelle seems to be the better choice over Dusnoir. Combined with Wobbuffet, it would give me a stronger chance against Toolbox type decks. Also it would help even the playing field against Metal decks. Having six cards devoted to support seems like a lot though and I'm not sure if it would be worth it.
Do you guys think this deck could be competitive? How would you tweak the deck to make it stronger? It's probably not top tier, but it would be fun to play with.
RE: Dark Assault (Gengar EX / Wobbuffet / Malamar EX)

I would try float stone instead of mystery energy so you don't have to use up an energy attachment. Also, I would try Trevenant XY and Dragalge FLF and taking out Mega Gengar and the Spirit Links and also Magnetic Storm.
RE: Dark Assault (Gengar EX / Wobbuffet / Malamar EX)

-2 Malamar EX; You won't have enough opportunities to attach to it for it to really be worth it, and even if you do, sleep is still 50-50 chance that they'll wake up going into their turn plus there are all sorts of ways to get out of the sleep anyways.
-2 Pokemon Fan Club; I like playing this more for set up decks. I don't think it's necessary in Gengar variants.
-1 Enhanced Hammer

+ 4 N
+1 Professor Sycamore / Colress

If you want to start play competitively, you're going to want a lot more draw.
RE: Dark Assault (Gengar EX / Wobbuffet / Malamar EX)

Thanks for the responses guys! I originally didn't add any N's, Colress, or Float Stones because I was planning on slowly building a deck for next rotation while only using cards from the XY sets.
NintendoAlian- If I end up taking out the M Gengar EX, I'd take out two of the Mystery Energies. Would you run Trevenant or Dragalge alongside Wobbuffet, or take out Wobbuffet to include both lines? I was thinking that Dragalge would be a useful addition. Especially if their active had a Head Ringer attached to it. I'll definitely try it out, because Gengar EX, Dragalge, and Trevenant would work well together. Unfortunately, if I decide to run Wobbuffet instead of Trevenant, Wobbuffet would shut down Dragalge's ability.
So am I too worried about my main attackers being resisted by Metal or Dark Pokemon? Gengar EX and Trevenant already don't do much damage and Wobbuffet requires one of the other attackers to be able to at least do half the opponent's hp in one shot to be able to follow up with a KO. For Metal decks, would it be a better idea to add a strong Fire Pokemon instead of relying on Magnetic Storm? I'll look through the card lists and see if maybe I can find a different way to get around resistances.

Mora- All right, I was thinking that Malamar EX would be something that I would take out. It would be super helpful if it could keep the opponent asleep for even one turn, but it would rely too much on luck, otherwise its just a wasted slot if its gonna sit on the bench. Do you think maybe more Ultra Balls or maybe adding in Repeat Balls from the next set would be better than the Pokemon Fan Clubs?
I'll add another Professor Sycamore, but for more draw support, is there anything from the XY sets that could be almost as useful as N or Colress? There's kinda only Battle Reporter, Tierno or Shauna, as well as a few from Primal Clash. Roller Skates might be helpful, but relies on a coin flip.
RE: Dark Assault (Gengar EX / Wobbuffet / Malamar EX)

3 Ultra Ball would be solid. If this is going to be XY-on, then at least put in Shauna or something. I can't think of that many decent draw Supporters in XY-on off the top of my head. Maybe there's a few from the next set that will be good. Haven't gotten the chance to see what all is in it.
RE: Dark Assault (Gengar EX / Wobbuffet / Malamar EX)

All right, thanks! I'm gonna try out Battle Reporter from FFI for draw support. I'm also thinking about removing the Target Whistles and adding Red Cards from XY. I'm gonna totally revamp the deck. I'll post the updated deck later tonight.
RE: Dark Assault (Gengar EX / Wobbuffet / Malamar EX)

Could you please update the deck list in your original post to reflect any changes? Thanks!
Updated the deck in the original post.
Also changing one more thing
-1 Lysandre
+1 Toxicroak EX

Toxicroak EX is better for setting up Trevenant than Gengar EX. Trevenant can start attacking on turn 3 with Toxicroak, as opposed to turn 4 with Gengar. Lysandre isn't necessary since Trevenant can attack the bench.