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Dark Elb (Aromatisse / Yveltal EX / Malamar EX)

Dark Espeon

Dark Avatar

Pokémon (14):

  • 1 Darkrai EX (free retreat)
    1 Xerneas EX (beatdown)
    2 Yveltal EX (beatdown)
    2 Malamar EX (disabler)
    2 Xerneas (accelerate)
    3 Aromatisse (enable)
    3 Spritzee (evolve)

Trainer (34):

  • 2 Pokémon Fan Club (search)
    4 Professor Scyamore (draw)
    2 Lysandre (gust)
    2 Colress (draw)
    2 Az (healing)
    4 N (draw)
    2 Startling Megaphone (discard)
    1 Dowsing Maschine (retrieval)
    3 Hypnotoxic Laser (disable)
    3 Muscle Band (beatdown)
    2 Vs Seeker (retrieval)
    2 Max Potion (healing)
    3 Ultra Ball (search)
    2 Virbank City Stadium (status condition)

Energy (12):

  • 2 Darkness Energy
    4 Rainbow Energy
    6 Fairy Energy


The deck uses a classic transfer tactic. Use Aromatisse to transfer energies around on the battlefield and heal the attackers with Az and Max Potion. Malamar Ex is used to inflict status conditions with Laser Bank to disable attacks or enable easier on hit knock outs with Xerneas Ex and Yveltal Ex.


Malamar Ex
Basic Darkness Pokémon
HP: 170
Ability: Powerful Hypnosis
Once during your turn (before your attack), when you attach an Energy card from your hand to this Pokemon, you may use this Ability. Your opponent’s Active Pokemon is now Asleep.
[D][C] Calamari MAX: 60x
Flip a coin for each energy attached to this Pokemon. This attack does 60 damage times the number of heads.
Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 2

Vs Seeker
Trainer - Item
Search your discard pile for one Supporter and put it in your hand.

Trainer - Supporter
Choose 1 of your Pokemon and return that Pokemon and its attached pre-evolutions to your hand. (Discard all other cards attached to that Pokemon.)
Use Hydreigon LTR instead of Aromatisse XY. I know Hydreigon is a Stage 2, but it's worth it. More HP and moves Dark Energy instead of Fairy, meaning that you don't have to run 2 different types of Energy. In addition, you could also run 1 Hydreigon PHF to pull out any D Energy that would get discarded.

Get rid of all the Fairy Types you have in your deck. Also, since you already have Max Potion, AZ is pointless. Toss him. This should leave you with 11 Empty Spaces. Use 3 Deino, 2 Zweilous, 2 Hydreigon LTR, 1 Hydreigon PHF, 2 Rare Candy, and then you can use that last slot for 1 more Max Potion.