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Dark Propagation (Weavile / Exeggcute)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 4 Sneasel
    4 Weavile
    4 Exeggcute
    2 Yveltal

  • 3 Battle Compressor
    2 Bicycle
    1 Evosoda
    1 Scramble Switch
    1 Switch
    4 Ultra Ball
    3 VS Seeker
    4 Hypnotoxic Laser

    2 Virbank City Gym

    3 Muscle Band
    1 Silver Bangle

    1 Bianca
    1 Colress
    1 Lysandre
    4 N
    1 Pokemon Fan Club
    4 Professor Juniper
    2 Skyla

  • 7 Dark Energy


Exeggcute into the discard, power up a couple of Weavile, hit for massive damage each turn. No more complicated then that really.

Returning to the Pokémon TCG after a 2-ish year hiatus. I've got a good understanding most of the new staples & new meta decks. Weavile was always one of my favourite rogue decks and it still seems somewhat viable. What it seems to have lost since the last time I played it is really only level ball, and battle compressor kinda fills the same roll, many even better than lvl ball did?

I've always played Pokémon a quite a budget, made top cut at nationals playing a Ninetales deck a while back. So I was wondering if there is anyway to make this deck a little more consistent, it seems to have relatively good match ups across the board (Lando Bats is mina hard), it just either wins easily, or looses hard, and i don't know the new card well enough to know what to change/add.

Any help appreciated, ty XD
RE: Dark Propagation (Weavile)

Most Weavile decks I've seen so far run more than 4 Exeggcutes as discarding power - you'll probably not want to discard your Weavile lines, and 2 Yvetals don't seem enough to be a reliable alternative to hit more than 120 roughly with your attack. Laserbank + Bangle + 4 Exeggcutes is possibly way too much setup to keep up with the meta. I recommend testing a heavier Pokémon line, maybe teching in Flareon to take advantage of that on later stages of the game. It might not be a problem though, as I've not seen low-Pokémon count Weavile decks like yours.

Scramble Switch seems like a bad ace spec for this deck. Weaviles are likely to be 1-shotted and running SS only to retrieve that one energy from a baby Yvetal isn't all that worth it. Also, one Silver Bangle seem a low count - without it you're hitting for 170 damage, factoring in all your setup, meaning it's 10 short from big-EXes knock-outs. Since you'll most likely only need that extra 30 damage for EXes, running a heavier SB line is recommended.

You might also run out of steam pretty quickly with only 7 Dark Energies and a 4-4 Weavile line. I recommend running Lysandre's Trump Card or other retrieval cards, or running more Dark Energies, or both.
RE: Dark Propagation (Weavile)

I know scramble switch is bad, ideally I'd run dowsing machine ( many computer search), but Its too expensive for me at the moment. Scooop up cyclone is probably the better "budget" option, being able to pick up a Pokémon to discard it late game for that extra 30 damage could be handy.

Ive played about 20 games so far and only run out of energy once, and i don't intend to end up in that same situation. Yveltals oblivion wing seems to keep the energy flowing, once you have it in the discard pile. IDK, i think Lysandre's trump card is very counter productive in this deck, I've hate it on the occasions where my opponent has played it.

as for more Pokémon to add, do you have any suggestions? I was thinking about adding another Yveltal, because its by far the best Pokémon to open with, and I've had only execute in my opening hand a few times more than i would have liked. I don't really know what else I could add, I've played a few games with a 2-2 Flareon line, but is didn't have the synergy i expected. ty XD
2 extra Yvetals seem like a good option here - increases the likelyhood of starting with it and the rest can just be used for extra damage.

Another suggestion is cutting on Bianca and Colress. I don't think you're getting a good bench size for a big Colress, and Bianca isn't usually the best option as a draw supporter. Maybe adding more VS Seeker or one of the new draw supporters will fit you better - needs testing though, as Bianca might suit your list if you're getting low hand sizes oftenly.
have you played with Professor Birch at all (I think that what its called)? The supporter line is a little different to what I was used to, But Juniper and N where the only good turn 1 draw supporters, so i just Put 4 of them in each and filled in the gaps with a couple of other things. I think 1 Colress is fine, its situational, which is why I only run 1, Pokemon fan club seems fairly bad, I don't want to use it turn 1-2 and after than I tend to have the basics I need benched, and I'm looking for Waevile. I will try trading out Bianca and Pokémon fan club for 2 Birch. ty XD
-2 Yveltal
-4 Hypnotoxic Laser
-2 Virbank
-4 supporters of some sort

+3 Buneary
+3 Lopunny (FLF)
+3 Acro Bike

Then you can add back whatever you want.

Yveltal is bad, since it'll get stuck in the active spot (2 retreat is terrible). Replace with Lopunny's that can Big Jump to your hand to switch out of the active, or from the Bench to give you extra discard power. You can even bench a bunch of Buneary and use 1 Lopunny to drag them to your hand. Or place an Energy and tool on them before using a Juniper, then Big Jumping everything back for use with Weavile. Virbank and Laser just doesn't seem fit for this deck, you need more speed, other options are highlighted below. Really the only supporter you want to use is Juniper. You should be playing a Juniper every turn.

Shadow Circle to get rid of weakness or counter stadium. Plasma Energy and Colress Machine if you need energy acceleration. Jirachi's work wonders as well. If you run Jirachi, run Scoop Up Cyclone as an Ace-Spec. Another good budget Ace-Spec is Life Dew.

Maybe Sacred Ash to reshuffle in non-eggs, or a one of Lysandre's Trump Card (just remember to propogate before using) if you are worried about decking out. I'll post my pre-PRC list later tonight once I look it up. It's super fast and super fun, but was getting shredded by Donphan and fighting. Might be worth a re-look now.
I feel like these changes just make it an auto loss to Donphan & Landorus, they can both probably outspeed you & OHKO you Weavile everyturn. Yveltal can take a couple of shots from them both, give you energy acceleration better Collres machine would I think.

Lasers where there just to make that math easier and allow for a counter stadium, but Shadow Circle is probably a better option. I would love Jirachi in the deck but I don't have any at the moment. And I don't think life dew is that great really, you kinda need the damage from Band/Bangless.
Lopunny seems cool, I'll give it a try. ty XD
I could only find my Expanded version of the deck unfortunately so I just changed it to try and make it Standard from what I remember. I also found the deck will always be an "auto-lose" to Fighting.

Pokemon: 22

4 - Exeggcute
4 - Sneasel
4 - Weavile
2 - Jirachi EX
1 - Mr. Mime
4 - Buneary
3 - Lopunny (FLF)

Trainer's: 30

4 - Professor Juniper
2 - N
2 - Colress
1 - Lysandre
1 - Lysandre's Trump Card
1 - Xerosic

3 - Startling Megaphone
2 - Colress Machine
2 - VS Seeker
2 - Battle Compressor
4 - Ultra Ball
1 - Scoop Up Cyclone
2 - Muscle Band
1 - Silver Bangle

2 - Shadow Circle

Energy: 8
5 - Darkness Energy
3 - Plasma Energy