Hey I was just sitting around when something hit me.
What about a deck that features Dark types and various other 2nd type darks.
Deck type {D}{G}
Special {D}-2
SP Energy x1
Rainbow Energy x1
Total= 20
Umbreon x2(UD) x1 (MD)
Eevee x2 (UD) x2 (MD)
Caturne x2 (PL)
Cacnea x3 (PL)
Darkrai 3/100 (MD)
Darkrai (RR)
BTS x2
Poke Healer x2
Professor Oaks New Theory x4
Aarons Collection x2
Dusk Ball x4
Quick Ball x2
Volkners Philosophy x2
Cynthia`s Feelings
Fisherman x2
Poke-Turn x2
I thought it sounds great with being able to use the status problems and huge damage counts with Low Energy costs
What about a deck that features Dark types and various other 2nd type darks.
Deck type {D}{G}
Special {D}-2
SP Energy x1
Rainbow Energy x1
Total= 20
Umbreon x2(UD) x1 (MD)
Eevee x2 (UD) x2 (MD)
Caturne x2 (PL)
Cacnea x3 (PL)
Darkrai 3/100 (MD)
Darkrai (RR)
BTS x2
Poke Healer x2
Professor Oaks New Theory x4
Aarons Collection x2
Dusk Ball x4
Quick Ball x2
Volkners Philosophy x2
Cynthia`s Feelings
Fisherman x2
Poke-Turn x2
I thought it sounds great with being able to use the status problems and huge damage counts with Low Energy costs