Pokemon: 11
Yes, it's one of THOSE decks, trying to make sleep-lock a thing. Basic strategy is to have Yveltal up turn 1 accelerating darkness energy from the discard onto Darkrai (and Zoroark mid- to late-game). With Muscle band, it's hitting for a respectable 50 with the setup bonus for the bench. Malamar EX is there to abuse Hyper Hypnosis and combo with Energy Switch to further power up a second and third Darkrai, as well as a Zoroark. Darkrai starts hitting out for a nice 120 with sleep - 140 with Muscle Band - and regens 30HP at a time. Hypnotoxic Laser does the same job as Malamar EX plus poison, but can be too flippy sometimes to completely rely on it. Shadow Triad is there to grab a clutch HTL when the Malamar EX -> energy attachment -> Energy Switch strategy isn't available. Zoroark is there to hit for up to 120 with a full bench - again 140 with Muscle Band - should Darkrai fall/not set up in time, hence the DCE.
I run Shadow Circle to stop an auto-loss against Donphan and because I don't want to be "that guy" that runs LaserBank. Sycamore helps with dumping energy in the discard, plus refills the hand nicely. Pokemon Fan Club ensures Darkrai and Yveltal will always be available. Lysandre brings up any Virizion EX that feel like ruining Darkrai's fun. Colress refreshes any dud hands I draw. Startling Megaphone clears my opponent's bench setup fast and efficient. Professor's Letter works with Ultra Ball to dump energy and grab any Pokemon I need in that turn. VS Seeker recycles whichever supporters are most useful in the match. Switch... umm... switches.
So that's my strategy. Apologies for the obvious deck name. Only cards I point-blank refuse to use are N, Yveltal EX and Virbank City Gym. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated as I still have until Saturday to change out cards before Cities!
2 Zorua XY
2 Zoroark LTR
2 Yveltal XY
2 Malamar EX PHF
3 Darkrai XY22 Promo
1 Shadow Triad
1 Pokemon Center Lady
2 Colress
2 Lysandre
2 Pokemon Fan Club
3 Professor Sycamore
2 Shadow Circle
1 Startling Megaphone
2 Switch
2 Professor's Letter
3 Muscle Band
3 Ultra Ball
3 VS Seeker
4 Hypnotoxic Laser
4 Energy Switch
2 Double Colorless
12 Darkness Energy
Yes, it's one of THOSE decks, trying to make sleep-lock a thing. Basic strategy is to have Yveltal up turn 1 accelerating darkness energy from the discard onto Darkrai (and Zoroark mid- to late-game). With Muscle band, it's hitting for a respectable 50 with the setup bonus for the bench. Malamar EX is there to abuse Hyper Hypnosis and combo with Energy Switch to further power up a second and third Darkrai, as well as a Zoroark. Darkrai starts hitting out for a nice 120 with sleep - 140 with Muscle Band - and regens 30HP at a time. Hypnotoxic Laser does the same job as Malamar EX plus poison, but can be too flippy sometimes to completely rely on it. Shadow Triad is there to grab a clutch HTL when the Malamar EX -> energy attachment -> Energy Switch strategy isn't available. Zoroark is there to hit for up to 120 with a full bench - again 140 with Muscle Band - should Darkrai fall/not set up in time, hence the DCE.
I run Shadow Circle to stop an auto-loss against Donphan and because I don't want to be "that guy" that runs LaserBank. Sycamore helps with dumping energy in the discard, plus refills the hand nicely. Pokemon Fan Club ensures Darkrai and Yveltal will always be available. Lysandre brings up any Virizion EX that feel like ruining Darkrai's fun. Colress refreshes any dud hands I draw. Startling Megaphone clears my opponent's bench setup fast and efficient. Professor's Letter works with Ultra Ball to dump energy and grab any Pokemon I need in that turn. VS Seeker recycles whichever supporters are most useful in the match. Switch... umm... switches.
So that's my strategy. Apologies for the obvious deck name. Only cards I point-blank refuse to use are N, Yveltal EX and Virbank City Gym. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated as I still have until Saturday to change out cards before Cities!