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Darkari EX / Hawlucha EX / Tyrantrum


Aspiring Trainer

  • 2 Darkrai EX
    3 Hawlucha EX
    3 Tyrunt
    3 Tyrantrum

  • 2 Pokemon Fan Club
    4 Hypnotoxic Laser
    3 Fossil Researcher
    4 Muscle Band
    4 Team Flare Grunt
    2 Pokemon Center Lady
    2 Startling Megaphone
    2 Korrina
    2 Professor Oak's New Theory
    3 Cilan
    3 Fighting Stadium

  • 8 Fighting Energy
    6 Dark Energy
    4 Strong Energy

Ok so heres my idea at a deck. The main goal is to level up Hawlucha ex asap while getting Tyrantrum leveled up on the bench. Darkari is there because of his dark cloak ability. I've gotten to play it a few times but I want to get some other options on it. What do do you think?
Well, in this season's format, this is a tournament legal deck except for Cilan and the Professor Oak's New Theory. It's a good concept, but you need rainbow energy's and DCE. Besides that, that's a cool deck.
How about Keldeo EX and Float Stone instead of Darkrai EX? You won't need to have two fully powered Tyrantrum at all times to use Giga Impact that way. You may also want to consider adding some DCE, since all your attacks have two colorless energies in their attack cost.
I would do with Keldeo EX + Float Stone instead of Darkrai EX for retreat.

Also, Oak's New Theory can be safely replaced by N or Shauna and Cilan should be replaced with Professor's Letter, since it isn't a supporter. With that, this deck becomes tournament legal without giving up anything about it's concept.

As for Tyrantrum support, I rather use Lucario EX than Hawlucha EX, since Hawlucha has fewer HP and Lucario can work as a Draw engine of sorts. You should also consider Landorus Baby [FRF] as a supporter or Landorus EX as an early attacker.
-4 Team Flare Grunt; Not a good card since it's a Supporter. If anything you should play hammers, but the Energy Removal effect isn't as important in this era.
-3 Cilan; Professor's Letter is way better. And you already have an abundance of Energy, so with proper draw, you shouldn't have any problem getting Energy.
-2 Pokemon Center Lady; So many things can one shot Hawlucha, and when things hit that hard, healing 60 is rarely enough to effect your opponent's math. And again, it's your Supporter for turn which is not good.

You really need some draw power because right now, you have practically nothing.
+4 Juniper
+2 N
+2 Colress
+1 Professor's Letter