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DarkGon (Flygon + Weavile + Umbreon)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon - 25

3-2-3-1 Flygon Lv. X (RR)
2-2 Weavile (UD)
1-1 Slowking (HGGS)
2-2 Umbreon (UD)
3 Spiritomb (AR)
1 Uxie (LA)
1 Azelf (LA)

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums - 24

3 Pokemon Collector
3 Seeker
2 Bebe's Search
3 Broken Time-Space
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Expert Belt
2 Rare Candy
2 Cyrus's Initiative
1 Judge
1 VS Seeker
1 Palmer's Contribution
1 Luxury Ball
1 Premiere Ball

Energy - 11

4 Darkness Energy
4 Special Darkness Energy
3 Double Colorless Energy

Strategy: The main strategy of this deck is to disrupt my opponents setup and cut off their resources through the use of Weavile, Slowking, Spiritomb, Cyrus's etc. Flygon is there to give all my darks free retreat and to be the main attacker. Flygon Lv. X is to snipe other Lv. X's and Wind Erosion provides extra disruption. Umbreon's Moonlight Fang comes in handy to lock and stall against pokes with powers and bodies.

I've tested a bunch of variations of this deck including techs of Absol G, Houndoom UD, and Tyranitar Prime. So far this one seems to be the most consistent. I've been thinking about trying out some SSUs, Unown Dark, or another Judge or Uxie but the list is pretty tight and I don't know what to take out. Appreciate any and all comments and fixes!

EDIT: Dropped 1-1 Weavile, 2 Team Rocket's Trickery and 1 BTS for a 2-2 Slowking line and another Bebe's.
Since you want to disrupt and you use flygon as main attacker. You should play 2-2 slowking HGSS (col). With it's power you can arrange your opponents top 3 cards and put them in an order so you discard the good cards with flygon X. I would take out 1-1 weavile and 2 team rockets trickery for 2-2 slowking HGSS (col). I would also try to find room for an uxie but the list works with only 1 uxie.

Take out:
1-1 weavile UD
2 team rockets trickery (not so good since your opponent choses what to discard)

Put in:
2-2 slowking HGSS (col)

I actually had a 2-2 Slowking line in my first version of this deck and I didn't like it too much but that was before I added in the Flygon line. However I just tested it in the current version and it worked really well. I got the Slowking/Flygon X combo going consistently and it really cripples opposing decks. I also decided to take out one BTS for another Bebe's.
Hurm, you COULD drop one Spiritomb for another Uxie, and then change those to Spiritomb TM, so can disrupt their hand without Judge, and continue your onslaught. ;)
You could also take out a dark for a another DCE.
The only things that stand out easily to me are:
+1 BTS
+1 DCE
for safety with getting Flygon set up, but I'm not sure what you could take out. Reason being, I've played with a Flygon deck for a long time and you need a guaranteed BTS or the deck is very slow to set up.
Jirachi engine, double trickery's per turn.
Chatot G ( I know you have slowking, but 1/2 chatot helps)
So I've made a few more small changes. Upped the BTS count back to 3 and took out 1-1 Slowking line for a second Uxie and a Premier Ball. I kind of want to get either another Judge or a Looker's in here, maybe even some Trickery's again but I have no idea what I could take out. Maybe a 1-1 Umbreon line but its too crucial in the Donphan/Machamp match-up.

Spiritomb TM is ok but I much prefer Judge and even Let Loose Giratina would be better. I'm trying to limit the number of basic bench sitters because it takes away from Power Swing. Same goes for Chatot G but it is much more playable than Spiritomb in the deck because I'm able to Search and Escape it away if I need space to power up Power Swing. I tried Jirachi as a starter in a much earlier version of this deck and its just not as useful as Tomb is unless you start with a Supporter. I will try to find some space for a Chatot G though.
Ha. I just posted this deck without realizing you had this one up. I used 2-1-1 Slowking CoL/Prime. That way you get a little more draw power.