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Darkness Approaches (Zoroark + Darkrai EX)

Red Fwog

4 Zoroark (2 BW, 2 DE)
4 Zorua (DE 69)
2 Houndour (UD 53)
2 Houndoom Prime (UD)
1 Darkrai EX
1 Mewtwo EX

2 Junk Arm
4 Dual Ball
3 Pokemon Catcher
3 Ultra Ball
3 Random Reciever
3 Darkness Claw
4 Dark Patch

4 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Professor Juniper
2 Bianca
2 N

9 Dark Energy
4 Double Colourless Energy

I have completely overhauled the deck. I am now running Houndoom for its Fire Breath power. I decided on Houndoom Prime because Burn can really hurt EX's and Dark Clamp is a decent attack, especially if you catcher out Eelektrik. The rest of the deck is pretty self explanatory. Zoroark's the Main attacker, Darkrai EX is used for its ability and 90 damage plus 30 snipe is pretty handy. Mewtwo EX is to knock out other Mewtwo EX's

Here are the translations for the new cards just incase
Darkrai EX – Darkness – HP180 Basic Pokemon
Ability: Darkness Cloak
As long as this Pokemon is in play, all of your Pokemon with any Darkness Energy attached to them have no Retreat cost.

[D][D][C] Night Spear: 90 damage. Choose 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon, and this attack also does 30 damage to that Pokemon. (Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance when damaging the Bench.)

Weakness: Fighting (x2) Resistance: Psychic (-20) Retreat: 2

Zorua – Darkness – HP50 Basic Pokemon
[D] Ascension: Choose 1 card that Evolves from this Pokemon from your deck, and play it on top of this Pokemon to Evolve it. Shuffle your deck afterward.

[C][C] Scratch: 20 damage.

Weakness: Fighting (x2) Resistance: Psychic (-20) Retreat: 1

Zoroark – Darkness – HP100 Stage 1
[C][C] Beatdown: Does 20 damage times the number of Darkness-type Pokemon you have in play.

[D][D] Dark Rush: Does 20 damage times the number of damage counters on this Pokemon.

Weakness: Fighting (x2) Resistance: Psychic (-20) Retreat: 2

Dark Patch – Trainer
Choose 1 Basic Darkness Energy card from your discard pile and attach it to one of your Benched Darkness-type Pokemon.

Darkness Claw – Tool
The attacks of the Darkness-type Pokemon that this card is attached to do an additional 20 damage to any Active Pokemon.
That's not bad, looks similar to my zoroark deck minus the Terrakion, it looks like it'd be tough pulling off brutal rush with only 6 basic dark pokemon if any of them get prized it might be tough to pull his part off.
i like the list though really cool im now considering throwing a Terrakion in my deck, just because of the hundreds of eels, and of course to smite other dark decks.
Yeh, I was thinking about adding in the Sableye from Undaunted over the Mewtwo because of Pull Out. It would also give me another dark pokemon to help Zoroark power up a bit.
This is my suggestion:

-1 Junk Arm
-2 Dual Ball
-1 Switch
-1 Juniper
-2 Rainbow Energy
(-7 Total)

+1 Communication
+2 Collector
+1 Darkness Claw
+3 Prism Energy

You really need to get out as much Darkness Pokemon as fast as possible with this deck, so you need a lot of Collector/Comms. Darkness Claw is to maximize damage, you need to maximize it. Rainbow Energy is pointless; Prism acts as the same thing, but doesn't apply damage to yourself, and you only need Prism for Terrakion anyways. Switch is completely useless; If you just have a mere Darkness Energy attached to Terrakion, he has free retreat with Darkrai EX out. Mewtwo EX is a good attacker - in most decks. This deck really doesn't need MEX to do good. Dual Ball isn't much of a help either; Collector is much better.

I hope this helped you, and good luck with this deck!
my recommendations:
-2 Zoroark DE
+2 Zoroark BW
-1 terrakion
-2 rainbow energy
+2 Sableye
+1 Darkrai EX
Puff, Why should he get rid of Zoroark DE? It's arguably better than BW Zoroark, and a 2-2 split works very well. Assuming he starts with Zorua, he could choose either depending on the situation.
While a Sableye could help out a little, I think he should keep Terrakion to counter both Lightning and Dark decks.

My recommendations would be:
-1 Switch (kind of useless)
-2 Rainbow Energy
-1 Juniper

+1 Tornadus EX (to help with the Fighting weakness)
+2 Prism Energy
+1 Darkness Claw

And either -2 Collector, +2 Dual Ball, or the opposite. (This is up to you, but I think maxing out 1 would be better than 2-2. I prefer Collector.)
Because Zoroark BW kills Zekrom EX, Zekrom BW, Reshiram EX, reshiram BW, Mewtwo EX, Tornadus EX, Raikou /eels, blah blah blah blah blah
Updated, changed a few cards around and used comments from Nicospot. I like to 2-2 split as it does give me options depending on the opponents deck. I will test out Tornadus EX but i dunno how it will go.

Also dropped Mewtwo EX for Sableye just because Pull Out can be useful to re-use discarded Darkrais and Dark Patch
IMO terrakion is a nono in this deck. Your dark pokes is enough to destroy eelektriks variants already, also able to afford to trade prizes with their zekrom ex or raikou ex. Also in this stage 1 rushing deck, you want speed. Either you play sableye for stalling or you don't play it at all.

-1 sableye
-1 Terrakion
-2 prism
-2 pcomm
-4 junkarm
-1 darkness claw
-4 collector

+ 2-2 weavile line
+4 ultra ball
+3 random receiver
+4 dual ball

Your list atm, you have a total of 7 dark basic pokemon only. I do not think that is enough to keep up with the EX and dragons. Collector actually slows down your deck. Running 4 dual balls and 4 ultra balls is better to get what you want. I would personally go for 4 random receivers playing 4 juniper, 4 Bianca and 3 N!

Also if you're focusing on just swarming, you can actually remove Darkrai EX. I've seen deck list of japanese tourney winners who uses 4-4 zoroark with 1 Foul play zoroark and a 4-4 weavile line and 1 Tornadus EX playing 4 ultra balls, 4 dual balls,3 Revive 3 level ball, 4 random receivers and all 9 basic dark energy 4 DCE. Their standard supporter lines are 4 juniper, 4 N! and 4 bianca.
bendanzhu said:
Also if you're focusing on just swarming, you can actually remove Darkrai EX. I've seen deck list of japanese tourney winners who uses 4-4 zoroark with 1 Foul play zoroark and a 4-4 weavile line and 1 Tornadus EX playing 4 ultra balls, 4 dual balls,3 Revive 3 level ball, 4 random receivers and all 9 basic dark energy 4 DCE. Their standard supporter lines are 4 juniper, 4 N! and 4 bianca.
(a tad off topic here but)HOLY COW!! that actually sounds good, i'm gonna have to make a second zoroark deck with that list...geez,

Also i agree with alot of the post on here with dual ball over collector, and running 4 dark patches is a good idea, never woulda thought of 4 juniper 4 N and 4 Bianca, i think until PONT phases i'm gonna have to say stick with 4 PONT over 4 N...not really sure how 4N's would be helpful where this deck's objective is to snag as many prizes as soon as possiable. Absol prime is a great idea to with the use of dark patch, you can pull of a turn , 70~100 because of dark claw or special dark energy. however you do gotta pitch a poke into the lost zone, which could be rather devastating if you ditch the wrong one.
Deck has had a complete overhaul. I have added the Undaunted Weavile line to disrupt and to snipe the bench.
bendanzhu said:
Also if you're focusing on just swarming, you can actually remove Darkrai EX. I've seen deck list of japanese tourney winners who uses 4-4 zoroark with 1 Foul play zoroark and a 4-4 weavile line and 1 Tornadus EX playing 4 ultra balls, 4 dual balls,3 Revive 3 level ball, 4 random receivers and all 9 basic dark energy 4 DCE. Their standard supporter lines are 4 juniper, 4 N! and 4 bianca.

This looks like the list I was thinking up in my head minus the Tornadus EX and using professor oaks new theory instead of Bianca. The deck hits real hard real fast and the added disruption from Weavile is very nice, you could even pull off a turn 1 Beat Up with Sneasel with the possibility of doing more than 120 damage!
I think Weavile is much better than Mandibuzz in this deck. You will always be attacking with Zorol, so having other attackers is pointless. Also, you only need 0-1 Darkrai EX.
Yeh i tested out mandibuzz and it wasnt as effective as weavile. So i will change them back when i get home. What should i replace darkrai with? Im thinking a mewtwo just ohko other mewtwos and then running 1 darkrai
Red Fwog said:
I'm thinking of running a 3-3 Weavile line over the Mewtwo and Darkrai EX's


I think both M2 and Darkrai are needed, but a 3-3 or 4-4 Weavile line really helps.