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Darkrai EX/Registeel EX/Klinklang


Aspiring Trainer
2-1-2 Klinklang (BW 76)
2 Durant (NV 83)
3 Darkrai-EX (DE 107)
2 Registeel EX (DRX 122)

3 Dark Patch (DE 93)
4 Giant Cape (DRX114)
3 Switch (BW 104)
1 Skyarrow Bridge (ND 91)
3 Professor Juniper (DE 98)
2 N (NV 101)
3 Cheren (DE 91)
2 Pokemon Catcher (EP 95)
2 Level Ball (ND 89)
3 Ultra Ball (DE 102)
3 Rare Candy (DE 100)

3 Blend Energy GRPD (DRX 117)
3 Prism Energy (ND 93)
13 Metal Energy (BW 112)

The strategy is to use Klinklang to move around metal energies to Registeel to snipe benched Pokemon. Also ill use Skyarrow Bridge or switch to use Durant's move until they deck out. Plus it helps Registeel's retreat cos when the time is right to get him out of the active position. Also Darkrai will be back up against fire Pokemon using Blend Energies and Prism Energies.

Please help me out if i messed on anything :cool: