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Darkrai EX/Sableye/Absol

Tomás Sainz

Aspiring Trainer
like the deck that I will play in the national tournament in my country?


Pokemon: 9

3 Darkrai Ex
3 Sableye ex
2 Absol (Plasma Freeze)
1 Keldeo ex

Trainers: 40

4 Professor Juniper
4 N
1 Colress
1 skyla

4 dark patch
4 energy switch
4 pokemon catcher
4 hypnotoxis laser
3 ultra ball
2 random receiver
1 max potion
1 bicycle
1 enhanced hammer
1 computer search

2 dark claw
3 virbank city gym

Energy: 11

11 darkness energy

please comment :)
RE: My deck for the Nationals

What country do you live in? List looks solid but I don't have any
experience with plasma freeze.
RE: My deck for the Nationals

Why Absol? It looks like a liability to me. I would personally just go speed darkrai or hammertime. This list looks a little bit indecisive in my opinion.

Also, I'd take out the enhanced hammer, bicycle, and an energy switch and up your energy count.
RE: My deck for the Nationals

grantm1999 said:
What country do you live in? List looks solid but I don't have any
experience with plasma freeze.

I'm from Argentina

bagoly14 said:
Why Absol? It looks like a liability to me. I would personally just go speed darkrai or hammertime. This list looks a little bit indecisive in my opinion.

Also, I'd take out the enhanced hammer, bicycle, and an energy switch and up your energy count.

in my country is played much the deck "KK" is an excellent NO EX attacker Absol ex and fast
RE: My deck for the Nationals

Hmm...I guess that could work. I haven't tested, but can't sableye + hammers do the job just as well if not better with dark claw?
RE: My deck for the Nationals

Absol does a lot more damage without Laser. I'm not looking at translations, but I believe it OHKO's Klinklang with Laser.
RE: My deck for the Nationals

I don't really like the Colress in there, also, you are lacking Biancas and you should run AT LEAST two enhanced hammers, if not three, due to the popularity of PlasmaBox
RE: My deck for the Nationals

DrunkSpinda said:
I don't really like the Colress in there, also, you are lacking Biancas and you should run AT LEAST two enhanced hammers, if not three, due to the popularity of PlasmaBox

+ bianca - colress ???
RE: My deck for the Nationals

Yes, actually, -1 Skyla and -1 Colress, +2 Bianca. Also, try to fit in a 4th darkrai ex, it's your MVP even with absol in the deck
RE: My deck for the Nationals

+ 1 scrapper
+ 1 Crushing Hammer

- 1 ultra ball
- 1 bycicle

+ 2 biancas

- 1 colress
- 1 skyla

+ 1 darkrai
- 1 virbank ? ( a lot of decks uses virbank)

RE: My deck for the Nationals

You NEED the 4 Ultra Balls, even more so when running the Absols. More Crushing Hammers are not necessary, imo, i'd run more enhanced over more crushing
RE: My deck for the Nationals

-1 Keldeo EX
-1 Virbank City gym
-1 Bicycle
+2 Crushing Hammer
+1 Sableye
With your deck, you don't need Keldeo. The most damage you'd do with him is probably 60 if you used a hypnotoxic laser on the same turn, but even that's not enough to one hit KO a fresh Landorus ex. With an extra Sableye, you can get back those important trainer cards. Also, too many deck run hypnotoxic lasers and Virbank fit gyms, so you only need abut two Virbank city gyms, maybe even just one. The bicycle is alright if you have only that card in your hand, but with ony one in your deck, that's highly unlikely.
RE: My deck for the Nationals

Keldeo is not there to attack, is there to prevent Laser Abuse from the opponent
RE: My deck for the Nationals

If you don't run Keldeo they'll just destroy you with lasers. If he doesn't use Keldeo he'll have to use Escape Rope which takes more slots
RE: My deck for the Nationals

He can just retreat for free with darkrai, if he has more than one in play he'll do good.
RE: My deck for the Nationals

bagoly14 said:
Why Absol? It looks like a liability to me. I would personally just go speed darkrai or hammertime. This list looks a little bit indecisive in my opinion.

Also, I'd take out the enhanced hammer, bicycle, and an energy switch and up your energy count.

Along with kk counter, guess what the max damage that can be dealt out in one turn with this sucker? The magic number for plasmabox, 170. With the abuse of bench power with deoxys, 120 is very likely and with the help of claw+virbank+laser, there's a ohko in everything plasmabox! (exluding the lugia)
RE: My deck for the Nationals

This is a deck list, so I'm moving this. Please edit your OP with the strategy. Thank you.