• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Darkrai EX / Yveltal EX / Zoroark

Ng Yung Wai

Aspiring Trainer
I first time come to pokebeach . after going to a lot of care:D

so i view my deckness dack list .. I hope you can give advice my deck thank you ..

Pokemon: 14

  • Darkrai EX x2
    Yveltal EX x3
    Yveltal x2
    Malamar EX x1
    Zoroark (Dark Explorer) x2
    Zorua (Drak Explorer) x3
    Kangaskhan (Plasma Blast ) x1
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 30

  • Vs Seeker x1
    Professor Sycamore x4
    Ultra Ball x3
    Professor Letter x2
    Muscle Band x3
    Lysandre x1
    N x1
    Virbank City Gym x2
    Energy Retrieval x3
    Shauna x2
    Pokemon Center Lady x2
    Great Ball x2
    Hypnotoxic Laser x3
    Tierno x1
Energy: 16

  • Darkness Energy x14
    Double Colorless Energy x2
Easy use the Darkness deck . Fast time wants use Darkrai EX in your Beach . active ability by darkrai ex . after time if you hand gave Ultraball Find Kangaskhan (Kangaskhan first skill is a call 2 more Basic pokemon in you beach . Recomanded find Malamar EX and Yveltal EX). so Yveltal EX is a attack in the deck Malamar EX use ability Support to Yveltal (if u use Hypnotoxic Laser also fail sleeping pokemon ).if the enemy Active pokemon attack my pokemon . i is still time attach energy in my beach pokemon . so attach many energy to Yveltal EX at i hit ko Enemy pokemon Ex. ready (Muscle Band +Hypnotoxic laser and Virbank City Gym combo). Vs Seeker is a take Lysandre is process Tactical Assault. in beach to enemy (enemy also like attach en energy in to Beach ).

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon