Ruling Darkrai EX's Dark Cloak


Aspiring Trainer
I was playing the ptcgo and I had a Darkrai EX on my bench with 3 energy ready to attack and a tornadus as my active pokemon, so I wanted to switch tornadus which had a dark energy attached to it to bring up my Darkrai EX. When I hit retreat, the game made me discard my dark energy in order to retreat. My question is, shoundn't I have been supposed to retreat my tornadus without discarding the energy because of Darkrai EX's ability?

Darkrai EX :
Tornadus :
RE: Darkrai EX

PTCGO has bugs in it. Lots of them. Don't take it for granted.

If a Tornadus has a {D} attached, and you have a Darkrai EX in play, Tornadus can retreat for free.

The only exception I can think of is if a Garbodor was in play, in which case you'd discard 1 Energy from Tornadus to retreat.