• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Darkrai Hydra For Grinders! (Darkrai EX / Hydreigon)



  • 3-1-3 Hydreigon
    3 Darkrai EX
    1 Yvetal EX
    1 Giratina EX
    1 Sableye
    2 Keldeo EX
    1 Virizion EX

  • 4 Juniper
    4 N
    2 Colress
    2 Skyla
    1 Lysandre
    1 Computer Search ACESPEC
    1 Tropical Beach
    4 Ultra Ball
    4 Max Potion
    2 Dark Patch
    4 Rare Candy
    2 Muscle Band
    2 Megaphone

  • 4 Blend GDPR
    7 Dark

I strongly dislike the metagame this year, so I'm reverting back to this deck. I'm comfortable playing it, and I feel that it doesn't have any auto losses. I put in lots of techs since I don't want my day to be over due to one bad matchup in round 1 or 2.

Darkrai tanks as Hydreigon moves the energy around while you max potion to remove your damage. Giratina Muscle Band beats Pyroar, while Keldeo and Virizion help against accelegor. Yvetals there since it can sweep if you stack energy on it.

I have beach in there, but I rarely get it out. I have 2 I can use, should I put the second one in? I'm debating between this and Rayboar.

Suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thank you! :)
I would put the second trobical beach in so you are more likely to get it out. I would consider adding in a sacred ash in case important pokemon go down and you need o get them back.
I've had very extensive experience playing Darkrai/Yveltal/Hydreigon, so I feel I have some constructive advice:
  • It's spelled "Giratina-EX". This isn't really constructive. Sorry.
  • Drop both Keldeo-EX. It does pitiful damage while being generally inferior to Virizion-EX. Darkrai-EX already gives you free retreat.
  • Add 1-2 more Yveltal-EX in. Even though it's very targeted right now, it's still too good of an attacker to play just one of it, especially with Hydreigon making it so versatile. It also gives you an extra weakness to play around with.
  • You don't need 4 Rare Candy, especially since you only have a 3/1/3 line for a single Stage 2 in the whole deck. Consider dropping it for other cards.
  • Definitely add in 1-2 more Dark Patch as well. This deck's primary advantage over Aromatisse is access to spontaneous energy acceleration, so you should not skimp on it.
  • I personally prefer to run Dowsing Machine over Computer Search, while only running 3 Max Potion (among other cards), since this deck needs to preform well in the late-game to win (since it's basically slower than standard Yveltal decks).
  • Consider running Yveltal (non-EX) as extra energy acceleration.
  • Consider running Super Rod (you can run out of resources sometimes)
  • Consider dropping Sableye. You won't always have time to junk hunt, especially since this deck doesn't play too many valuable, reusable item cards. (But then again, I play with Dowsing Machine, so it's your preference).

That's about all I have to say. Good luck at the LCQ!
Thanks for the feedback! Any tips on how I should play against pyroar or any other tougher matchups like garbodor?
Emolga2254 said:
Thanks for the feedback! Any tips on how I should play against pyroar or any other tougher matchups like garbodor?

Against Pyroar, I would advise making it your priority throughout the game to have as many Hydreigon in play as possible throughout the game, as it will be your main attacker throughout the game (for it's good prize trade, bulk, and relative immunity to Mewtwo-EX due to energy discard). Be frugal with your use of Giratina-EX (don't run into Druddigon) and take your opportunities to attack with Yveltal-EX and Darkrai-EX. Try to use Lysandre on their EX's (if they play any). With Max Potion, you should be able to out-live their attackers enough to win.

Against Garbodor decks, you really just have to play it like any other matchup. The key is that, once they activate Garbotoxin, you should hold conserve the Surprise Megaphones until the turns when they allow you to make the biggest plays. Prioritize their attackers before Garbodor, as you will have an easier time just taking 3 EX knockouts (since you can only assume you'll have 2-3 turns of dark trance).

Oh, and just as a general guideline, if a play ends with even a remote possibility of you losing most of your energy in play, especially if you don't have instant access to Dark Patch, don't make that play. Conserve your board-state over being aggressive when possible.