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Darkrai/Hydreigon...Help w/ techs


Hey guys, Ive been pretty excited about this deck for a long long long time and its finally here. I was lucky enough to pull 2 Hydreigons in my first pre release so I got to make this deck earlier than I thought I would have. First off I will present the list then explain some techs that are in my original list then explain some techs Im considering. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

2 Sableye
1 Shaymin ex
3 Darkrai ex
2 Deino (DE)
1 Deino (NV)
1 Zweilous (DE)
2 Hydreigon (DE)
1 Hydreigon (NV)

4 Juniper
4 N
2 Bianca

1 Tool Scarpper
2 Rescue Scarfs
2 Eviolites/2 Dark Claw
3 Dark Patch
2 Random Receive
2 Level Ball
3 Max Potion
4 Catcher
3 Ultra Ball
3 Rare Candy

4 Blend{D}{G}{P}{R}

Now I will Explain some techs that I haven't seen in any other list.

Hydreigon: So far once Im set up I can usually keep my Hydreigon(DE) alive so I thought an interesting tech would be Hydreigon(NV). He's already in the line so Im not losing space and he's none ex so he can counter sigilyph. He also snipes the bench which works with Darkrai as well.

Rescue Scarf: Even thought once Im set up I can usually keep my Hydreigons alive I've run into trouble with opponents honing in on deinos and zweilous before they get a chance to evolve thus I end up losing them for the game.

Tool Scrapper: self explanatory, Darkrai 2hko any ex but 3hko with eviolite this solves that problem.

Dark Claw: The extra 20 for either Darkrai or Hydreigon would be awesome but obviously I cant attach an eviolite and a dark claw to darkrai. So it depends if you want to play more aggressive or not.

Techs Im considering.

Mewtwo EX: With moving the energy around I figure I can load mewtwo and run through certain opponents though Im hesistant with the possibility of losing all my energies. Obviously with that in mind I'd be very careful against who I'm playing it against and how I use it.

3rd Sableye I'd really like to fit another one in here but idk whatto take out.

Giratina EX: OHKO sigilyph but would it OHKO Garchomp as well?

Registeel EX: snipes any 3 for 30, it gets free retreat via darkrai, can hit around sigilyph and also resist sigilyph (Thanks Matryoshka!)

Cheren vs Bianca: Ive tested some with both and I guess it really depends on preference but thoughts please.

Super Rod: With rescue scarf I dont think Id need it but w/o it I think it can definitely be a need.

Plus Power: If I run Dark Claw I can OHKO any Reshiram, Zekrom, Terrakion and even if I dont that extra 10 helps me hit them for 100 and catcher something else and KO it at the same time on the bench.

There are some of the techs that come to mind off the bat though Im sure I can think of a ton more. Like I said guys any help and/or insight is appreciated and welcomed.
Dark Deino > Dragon Deino because people will be playing regular Rayquaza.
I would run another Dragon Hydreigon for the nv Hydreigon, and add a Sigylyph to deal with Sigilyph, and he can stall pretty well. Also, I would rather run Big cloak than Rescue Scarf since it prevents most KOs except for Garchomp and opposing Garchomp.
-2 Level Ball (it searches out only Sableye and Zweilous and Sigilyph)
+1 Ultra Ball (to discard energy for Dark Patch)
+1 Max Potion (you need to max this)
Pretty good list, but how will you deal Garchomp?
Thats what worries me a bit I haven't had the chance to test against any garchomp deck. In theory my solution would be Giratina EXs Shred OHKOs Garchomp and even though it would probably get revenge koed I would have multiple Hydreigons also Hydreigon OHKOs it as well. I've also thought about changing my hydre line to 4-2-4 and adding in another rare candy I just wouldn't know what to take out.

P.S. as far as big cloak vs rescue scarf goes. I run into OHKOs by pokemon doing enough damage to ohko my deinos. once they get to stage 2 only garchomp and giratina could OHKO it regardless of big cloak or not which is why I use rescue scarf as opposed to big cloak.

Thanks for the input btw I definitely might try taking out the level balls.
Giratina could be interesting in here...I'm sort of set off by the fact that it needs two blends. If it was more of a late game thing like Shaymin is, I could see it working. But late game belongs to Shaymin EX, he's already hitting up every non EX seen in competitive play.

You know what else one shots Sigilyph? Victini. There's one that does 100 for a fire and a colorless with a full bench. So he's working for a single blend against two, and you have lots of basics that can be played. It can also be searched out easier than Giratina, and works as a Registeel counter too. He doesn't one shot dragons though. But hey, he's just something else to think about.

Speaking of Registeel, where's the little metal guy on the optional techs list? His attack cost is what you're putting in for Darkrai, but his hit is more choicey than Darkrai's is, at the cost of 30 damage. He's weak to minor threats, has a pretty good resistance...and best of all, he can hit AROUND Sigilyph while it hits you for 60, 40 with Eviolite. Chances are they won't want to waste their ENTIRE bench just to keep a Sigilyph up. Once they retreat it...BOOM shackalaka.

I can't see the big deal about the other Hydreigon. Is it just the fact that it's a Sigilyph counter that doesn't actually hit Sigilyph for the KO? He's just ruining your consistency. I don't care if you have to play 3-1-4, you need 3 energy moving Hydreigons no matter what. In most ways, he's actually more efficient, because he can actually KO stuff and he should be there anyway. Bottom line, Hydreigon's just hogging up your space for what really matters.

All this Sigilyph talk makes me wonder why you don't play your own Sigilyph. He's easy to set up, one shots their Sigilyph, and can wall attacks from EXs after that.

I don't like Rescue Scarf. At all. It's unsearchable, scrapable, and it's only good on Hydreigons. I run absolutely no recovery, and my deck I can't say I'd splash in Super Rods or Scarves if I have space. Try the deck without scarves. If you don't like it that way, then you could play Super Rod, which is arguably better in a deck like this.

Well, I leave the rest to you. If you have a question about anything, shoot me a profile comment or ask here in the thread. Good luck! :]

EDIT: Oh, and one more thing--this is sort of personal preference, but I would run Eviolite over Dark Claw any day. However, Dark Claw is still good, it's just a lot more situational (you only need it against Garchomp and Eviolited EXs. Reducing damage is helpful in nearly every situation, but it can also be used on your techs!)
I had completely forgotten about Registeel and hadn't even thought about victini so thank you for both of those! Im also starting to see what you're saying about the dark Hydreigon and Im starting to lean more towards using 3 DE Hydreigons once I get my hands on the third. I will have to switch my deck w/o rescue scarf which gives me 2 more spaces to add stuff and see how that works. You're right about the tool scrapper but it serves as a slight double purpose because then they have to decide between eviolite and RS so it will really just depend on how many copies of RS people start running. I originally had sigilyph in but I found myself discarding it most of the time and decided to test w/o it but I do know the trouble it can cause. Again thanks for all the helpI realy appreciate it!