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Darkrai/Hydreigon w/ Techs


O hai der
I'm looking to go to States and I'm either thinking this or Plasmaklang. When making this I looked at what was considered "Top Tier" and I wanted some sort of counter for them. This is what I came up with.

Pokemon: 18
3 Darkrai Ex
3-0-3 Hydreigon
3 Sableye
1 Terrakion
1 Benchtini
1 Keldeo Ex
1 Cobalion Ex
1 Mewtwo Ex
1 Shaymin Ex

Supporters: 12
4 N
4 Juniper
3 Skyla
1 Colress

Items: 19
4 Pokemon Catcher
3 Rare Candy
3 Max Potion
3 Ultra Ball
3 Dark Patch
1 Energy Search
1 Super Rod
1 Tool Scrapper
1 Computer Search

Energy: 10
4 Prism
6 Dark

I've been testing it online (- Colress, Cobalion ex and Benchtini- + Giratina ex, Kyurem ex, Sigilyph) and it does very well. Terrakion for Darkrai/ Electrics, Benchtini for PlasmaKlang (if it becomes a thing), Keldeo for Landorus and Rush in, Mewtwo for Mewtwo, Shaymin for Keldeo and late game. Kyurem was for energy disruption (countering tornadus and plasma decks.... sorta) and Giratina was for Sigilyph, PlasmaKlang, Hydreigon, and Terrakion. Then I realized that Cobalion does both. I'm still considering keeping Kyurem and Giratina over Cobalion though. More damage output on Kyurem and a easier time with Hydreigon and Terrakion. I'm not sure yet.
What do you think?