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Urusai Urusai Urusai
2x Darkrai EX
3x Deino (Deep Growl)
1x Zweilous (Draw In)
2x Hydreigon (Dark Trance)
2x Roserade (Le Parfume)
2x Roselia (Double Whip)
1x Victini NVI (Victory Star)
1x Terrakion NVI
1x Shaymin EX
1x Keldeo EX
1x Mewtwo EX
2x Sableye

4x N
4x Professor Juniper
2x Bianca
4x Pokémon Catcher
3x Level Ball
2x Ultra Ball
2x Rare Candy
3x Dark Patch
2x Max Potion
1x Computer Search
1x Super Rod
1x Random Receiver
1x Tool Scrapper

6x Darkness Energy
3x Blend Energy (Psychic/Fire/Grass/Darkness)
2x Prism Energy

Set up Hydreigon as fast as possible. Roserade and Level Ball both add a huge boost to consistency. Roserade's 'Squeeze' attack is a great addition for the Terrakion matchup, also the Deino can stall some turns with its paralyzing 'Deep Growl' attack. Victini helps with flipping heads. Keldeo is to cure your active Pokémon from special conditions, also helps against Landorus EX, which sure isn't the best matchup. Mewtwo EX counters other Mewtwos and is able to surprise-ko opponent Landorus EX. Everything else is pretty standard, except for the Hydreigon line - which still works fine to me.
I'm trying to scrap something out for maybe another Bianca or Random Receiver (probably Bianca). Also I'd like to have a 4th Level Ball, might take out an Ultra Ball for that.
Any comments/help/etc are much appreciated :)
Why victini and keldeo? You should be able to retreat by dark cloak. I'd drop them and put in one sableye and one darkrai. I don't know if I would take my advice though, no experience playing(yet).
^ Keldeo is meant to block para-lock and to help against Landorus, who otherwise can burn through this deck.

Anyway, the basic idea of the deck looks fine, but you're missing a lot of trainers that may hurt your consistency (I mean, many of the trainers were clearly dropped for Roserade, but you may find that having only 2 Rare Candy and 11 supporters is going to be lacking. Roserade and Sableye only go so far.)

With that said, I personally would tell you to drop the Roserade altogether, but since you clearly like it, I'm going to try to work around it. A 1-1 line should probably suffice, though.

- 1-1 Roserade
- 1 Victini (More of a gimmick than a main strategy. You normally don't want Deino active, Hydreigon handles Terrakion better than Roserade, and it doesn't even garuntee heads.)
- 1 Terrakion (You should be fine against other Darkrai decks anyway. It's also almost completely useless in every other matchup.)
- 1 Level Ball (I'm replacing this with another Ultra Ball. Getting those Dark Energy in the discard early can be crucial.)

+1 Max Potion (Truthfully, 4 is ideal, but at the moment I don't think you have room for it. It's a major focus of the deck and can basically just straight up win games for you.)
+ 1 Rare Candy (Consistency. With Landorus running around, getting a Hydreigon early is very important.)
+ 2 Skyla (Again, consistency. Gets you those Rare Candies when you need them and can get Computer Search in the discard early so you can keep recycling it with Sableye.)
+ 1 Ultra Ball (Explained above.)

I would like to see a 14th supporter in here but I'm not sure what to drop without messing with your strategy.