• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.



I am out of smash codes.
I got a decklist for hydreigon/darkrai deck. It's on the TCGO, but it should count.

Pokemon: 23
2 Mewtwo ex ND

3 Guard press deinos DREX

1 Power breath deino DREX

1 Dragon Claw Zweilous DREX

2 Dragon headbutt Zweilous DREX

1 NV hydreigon Noble victories

1 non holo hydreigon DRX

1 holo hydreigon DRX

1 Darkrai EX Dark explorers

2 Sandile from DEX

1 Krokorok from DEX

1 krookodile (DREX/DEX)

1 junk hunt sableye DEX

2 Scraggy (shed skin0

1 Scraggy Rising lunge

1 Scrafty from ND

1 scrafty from DEX

Trainers: 14
1 Gold potion

3 rare candy

1 Great ball

1 super rod

2 cheren

1 cilan

2 N's

1 Dark claw

2 Giant capes

Energy: 22

4 Psychic

14 Dark energy

1 {P}{R}{G}{D} blend energy


Although don't have set numbers, I got it almost down.

Goal: Using the darkrai's ability to get free retreat on hydreigon. And having the hydreigons to get enough energy to attack.

Attach the dark claw to the Next destinies scrafty, when you get lower HP, you do 90 damage per turn. Not bad at all.
RE: Decklist sharing!

Could you please put the main Pokemon in your title, and also clean up the formatting a little? Look here if you want a good example of a clean decklist.

Thanks! :]
RE: Decklist sharing!

alex said:
Could you please put the main Pokemon in your title, and also clean up the formatting a little? Look here if you want a good example of a clean decklist.

Thanks! :]

It won't let me on the link. It says these words:

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I'm confused...
RE: Decklist sharing!

Hmm, strange. Go to the Deck Garage Rules (it's in a sticky here in the Deck Garage) and look at the 3rd post. While you're there, I also suggest looking over the other rules as well.
RE: Krookodile/Hydreigon

Krookodile and Scrafty? I don't know how well those two help in battles, but i'm sure you would find alot more use out of using 3 Darkrai EX as apposed to those 2 mediocre attackers. Darkrai EX is just flat out better than Krookodile and Scrafty as it can deal more damage for the same amount of energy and has more HP. I would also suggest playing more copies of Sableye. It's such a great tool in any Dark deck as Sableye helps to recycle items that help both early-game and late-game. It's also a great Dark Patch target which is good in Hydreigon decks.

22 Energy is far too much for any deck. You want to be drawing into items/supporters and pokemon instead of energy. 13 energy is enough. If you feel like you won't be able to draw into enough energy then add more Supporters which can draw multiple cards from your deck as just 2 Cheren and 2 N is painfully low. Most decks use 10-12 Supporters and 1-2 copies of Random Receiver.

4 N
3 Cheren
3 Professor Juniper
2 Skyla

This is the Supporter line-up i use for my decks. Though the quantites differ from deck-to-deck depending on the strategy.
I would also suggest playing more copies of Sableye. It's such a great tool in any Dark deck a Sableye helps to recycle items that that help early-game and late-game. It's also a great Dark Patch target which is good in Hydreigon decks.

I'm guessing that you're pretty much using what you have access too, which is a a shame when using PTCGO - still requires a large investment to build and test an actual deck. I would suggest using PlayTCG.me (Tricky to use and has a few limitations but you have access to all cards to build your deck(s) and you can face other people online easily) Or Redshark (This simulator was designed for only the pokemon TCG so it's alot more user friendly. You have acess to all cards and it has a built in filter - which you can control - so you can chose cards from just the BW-on block, but facing other people online requires you to download Hamachi)