Ruling Darkrai LV X

Psychic Pokemon Master

Aspiring Trainer
Ok, I have a question about its Endless Darkness attack. Do your opponent still have to flip 2 coins for Sleep Check IF I retreat my Darkrai LV X the next turn after doing Endless Darkess, is the effect still there??
Thanks in advance... :)

P.S. Hope my question is not confusing... :)
Your opponent does keep flipping 2 coins. The modification to the Asleep check from Endless Darkness is an effect on his Pokemon.

This is a discussion I had on the POP Professor forums back in January. (If you're a Professor, start at post 26 in this thread and read down to post 33.) To get very technical, what Endless Darkness adds is an effect on the Asleep effect. When you have something that alters a Special Condition check or modifier like that, the added effect is basically attached to the Special Condition, and the added effect goes away if the Special Condition is removed or replaced.

Oh, and take particular note of that "or replaced" part. If that Pokemon is affected by Endless Darkness and it later gets hit with another Asleep effect (besides another Endless Darkness), the new Asleep replaces the old Asleep, and Endless Darkness' added effect is destroyed. This is analogous to rulings on Toxic (Poison):

Q. If an opponent already has Nidoking's Toxic double-poison, then next turn I use a "normal-poison" attack, does the opponent retain Toxic's double-poison condition or does it now become a single-poison condition?
A. It would gain a single poison effect (the new effect replaces the old one). (April 27, 2000 WotC Chat Q19)