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Darkrai/Sableye/Hammertime for Regionals

Your Master

Aspiring Trainer
This is the list I am currently testing:
4 Darkrai EX
4 Sableye

4 Ultra Ball
4 Catcher
4 Crushing Hammer
4 Dark Patch
4 Juniper
4 N
3 Random Reciever
3 Cheren
3 Energy Switch
3 Eviolite
2 Max Potion
1 Switch
1 Tool Scrapper


The strategy is to swarm darkrais asap and stop them from attacking with C hammer. I hate the rayeels matchup because if they can get the t2 dragon burst it is really hard to come back.
you shouldn't be afraid if the rayeels matchup. you just hammer away all their fire energy's and that forces them to use super rod early game.
My strategy when using hammers is to start with sabeleye and c hammer at least twice then junk hunt.
Use 2 more hammers etc. until the opponent is wiped out. Then attack with darkrai and destroy the opponent.
Wait a second... run E hammer!
In a hammer deck you run 4 of each hammer!
I think I could help you with your deck, I love the idea, but it just needs some editing.

-1 Switch
The chances of you getting this card is pretty low, you will probably not get it when you need it, and if you're worryed about catchers (which you shouldn't be) you could always retreat and use Dark Patch.

-3 Darkness Energy
Garbo/Terra only uses 8 fighting, and it never has a drought, you also use Dark Patch and Sableye, so because you only use Dark Pokemon, you can always use Dark Patch (assuming you have a bench) you really don't need to be worryed about energy.

+3 Enhanced Hammer
I do agree that you will need Enhanced Hammer in this deck, however, running four is completely unnessisary. There is no flip in Enhanced hammer, and your oppenent can only attach once per turn, as you know so not many energy can get on the field, and Crushing Hammer does the same job.

+1 Tool Scraper
Probably your worst match-ups are Garbo/Terra and Darkrai/Hydre, so Tool Scraper can get rid of Rescue Scarfs ect. Plus, doing 70 to an oppenents eviolited Darkrai while they can do 90 is only 20hp difference, but its the line between 2 prize cards and none, and they could move max potion move, and you wasting 2 turns is really bad.

Also, getting up Darkrai is not as important as getting up Sableye and using Junk Hunt every turn, so you can get rid of all thier energys, then take cheap prizes at the end.

Hope I helped :D
You NEED to be playing Enhanced Hammer. I would also recommend a 1-1 Drifblim line. That cards tears things apart late game.
Cheren isn't very good and won't get you anywhere, especially with your already high Supporter/RR count.
- 3 Cheren
- 1 Dark NRG
- 1 Crushing Hammer
+ 1-1 Drifblim
+ 3 Enhanced Hammer
I like the Drifblim idea also. Here's what I suggest:

-3 Cheren
-3 Darkness
-1 Switch
-1 Energy Switch (though I like the combo you have)

+1-1 Drifblim
+3 Bianca (I like her better than Cheren in this deck)
+3 Enhanced Hammer

I'm also not a fan of Max Potion. I get the combo with Energy Switch / Dark Patch etc. but if the idea is to prevent them from attacking anyway via energy denial, I would use those 2 spots for something else. Maybe 1 more Tool Scrapper and something else?
+3 Enhanced Hammer
Random Numbers said:
My strategy when using hammers is to start with sabeleye and c hammer at least twice then junk hunt.
Use 2 more hammers etc. until the opponent is wiped out. Then attack with darkrai and destroy the opponent.
Wait a second... run E hammer!
In a hammer deck you run 4 of each hammer!

wait what? you only are sopposed to run 4 crushing hammer and 2 encanched hammer;)