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Darkrai / Terrakion / HTL


O hai der
Pokemon: 9
3 Darkrai ex
1 Mewtwo ex
1 Keldeo ex
2 Terrakion
2 Sableye

Supporters: 12
4 Juniper
4 N
3 Skyla
1 Colress

Items: 28
4 Catchers
4 Energy Switch
4 Dark Patch
3 Ultra Ball
2 Virbank
2 Dark Claw
1 Super Rod
1 Tool Scrapper
1 Max Potion
1 Energy Search
1 Scramble Switch

Energy: 11
8 Dark
3 Fighting

Darkrai for speed / attacking, Sableye for getting items back in setup. Terrakion as my non-ex attacker (gets sigilyph / plasmaklang, I picked him over bouffalant because against a Klinklang deck Cobalion ex can OHKO him. Keldeo to counter HTL, Mewtwo for late game attacking (usually via scramble switch). I chose scramble switch because it can be extremely helpful late game. Scramble switch to another Darkrai / Mewtwo / Terrakion > Max potion > Happy Hour. Terrakion is probably the best non-ex attacker for my taste and can be very helpful in the mirror :D
RE: Darkrai's party at Virbank

-1 HTL 3 is enough my deck is perfectly fine with 3

+1 skyla Very good search

keep scramble switch it works really good

and you should choose mewtwo
RE: Darkrai's party at Virbank

hammer time! said:
-1 HTL 3 is enough my deck is perfectly fine with 3

+1 skyla Very good search

keep scramble switch it works really good

and you should choose mewtwo


I added the Skyla and took the Biancas out and also added a Colress. I feel 4 HTL is better so I don't have to use my attack to get them back as much and so I don't have to search for them as often.