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Darkrai / Yveltal / Garbodor

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Aspiring Trainer
Exp Intermediate

Hi this is my take on darkrai yveltal garbodor

Pokemon: 12
  • 2 Darkrai ex
  • 3 Yveltal ex
  • 2 Yveltal
  • 2-2 Garbodor
  • 1 Sableye
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 36
  • 2 Skyla
  • 4 Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 2 Virbank City Gym
  • 4 HTL
  • 3 Random Receiver
  • 3 Muscle Band
  • 2 Bikes
  • 3 Dark Patch
  • 3 Float Stone
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 1 Computer Search
  • 1 Professor's Letter
  • 1 Switch
Energy: 12
  • 9 Dark
  • 3 DCE

strategy is set up yveltal ex and garbodor and evil ball abd darkrai is for snipe and ability when garbodor is not out

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
RE: darkrai yveltal garbodor

I like the deck but I would add at least one sableye. I run a very similar deck with out the sableye and I feel like they are needed.
RE: darkrai yveltal garbodor

ahh ok ive been thinking about that but i dont know what to take out any ideas
RE: darkrai yveltal garbodor

Maybe an HTL.... Actually, come to think of it, 3 RR is overkill. Maybe take one of them out.
I too run this deck and our lists are similar. Of note, I do run:

2 - Sableye
1 - Absol - excellent alternate attacker
2 - Energy Switch - for some "limited" energy attachment acceleration and flexibility
0 - Random Receiver - don't really need them; my 3 Bicycle, 2 Colress, 4 N, 3 PJ and 3 Skyla work really well for me
Personally, if you are going to run 2 sableye in the deck, then I would run 1 random receiver AT LEAST. It will get you out of a sticky situation quick, and can be junk hunted. Better 1 than none
No! No, I say! Nay, this cannot be! I thought I had won -- I thought that we had beaten them at long last, and yet! And yet! Again! Again, starts this endless, chaotic loop of life, death and undeath! Woe! Woe! Necromancers hath infiltrated our ranks and filched our dead with intent to squander what peaceful lives the threads would have in decaying anonymity! Though this necromancer hath created a Threadgr, I shall call it back to whence it came so it may not harm those for whom it once cared! I shall stop this before it begins, and bind it so it may have peace once more!

Bakudo number one!


*Thread becomes locked*
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