Darkshy's fake cards


Aspiring Trainer
Well right now there is only one but I figure hey what the heck.

This is Unown Prime


The concept of this card is simple. You need to survive this one attack to win your game, but before there was no way to do it. Now there is a trump card!
This card is made to be a last resort (or not people have different ways of playing!) and keep your opponent guessing if they know you have it! Shuppet with and ex belt and 4 plus power this he can fade back into your opponents hand? Guess again. Gengar with low hp think he can shadow skip back onto the bench? Nope. Garchomp C. Lvl X wants to snipe your benched Claydol to kill you draw power. No was Jose.
Woah... the fake could use some work. Firstly, Pokemon Prime are referred to as the Pokemon name. For example, you don't say, "Unown Prime", you just say "Unown". Secondly, the text. The biggest problem are the fonts. From what I can see, you aren't using the correct fonts for the card. Most fonts include the Gill Sans series so... you'll need to download them (plus many others) for the fonts to be correct. For the Body/Power, you should include the Body/Power symbol and the name of the Body/Power in green/red.

Finally... you have no real background in your image :/ Try working on the card, it could come out to be much better.
BAHAHA!!! I love when I run into this.
Anyone know who drew that pic?
*Points to myself*
Like, 4-5 years ago. XD

I'm honored that you would use my work, but keep in mind what Gliscor said. :)
I was wondering who drew that. I remember seeing it a loooong time ago, lol.
First, the text is wrong, and you don't include prime at the end of the pokemons name. Also PokePowers and Pokebodys have completely different text. Look at these card for reference, prime card with a Pokepower. You also didnt include a set symbol.

and a card for which has Pokebodys