Ruling Dax-lock

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ive heard a couple things, like Lucarios Lv. X Dugtrio DP3 and Armaldo PK, Mad-Lock with Xatu instead of Mightyen EX, or something to do with Ampharos DP3...but dont mind it, its just Claydol EX all over again :(
^ are you sure? Incorrect. =(
But good try. =)

No one will figure out Dax-Lock because its a sd. You guys will see it when shining darkness is out.

To be honest, its good to see Dax-Lock thread again.

Takin it all stride,

Edit: pokeric, its not same as claydol ex thread. And ouch, that hurts.
i saw that combo with dragonite ex d and amphy dp3.
i didn't think that it was fast enough

and i find it very irritating that you wont tell us and make us have to wait so long to figure it out, just because you want us to figure it out ourselves. everything reveals itself eventually, so there is no reason to keep it secret.
There is not a confirmed strategy for Dax-lock. I have seen a wide variety of guesses.

I agree that discussing the deck further is only generating more hype and is disruptive. It is clear that it is a secret deck and its creators do not want to talk about it. I think that mentioning the existence of this deck without confirming a list just draws unnecessary attention.

Until its creator confirms a list that someone posts, I believe it is best to discontinue discussion about it. It is very possible that the creator has a winning strategy with it, but talking about it more without a list will only generate more myths and false information.

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