Ruling DCE and damage modifiers


Aspiring Trainer
Does DCE count as having 2 energies attached for moves such as Tyranitar's grind?

Also for moves such as Samurott's Hydro Pump would an attatched rainbow energy provide the damage boost?


Oh and one more quick question for moves like pawniard's Iron Head would a special dark energy cause each heads to do +10 dmg or the total amount of damage plus 10?

Thanks in advance!
For Tyranitar: DCE provides 2 units of Energy, so it will give 40 more damage to Grind in that case. (Look to see whether it's asking for Energy or Energy cards; if it asks for Energy it will count twice, but if it asks for Energy cards it only counts once, since DCE is just one card.)

For Samurott: Rainbow Energy provides all types of Energy at once, so it will boost Hydro Pump's damage by 10 each.

For Pawniard: You always add the +10 to the final result of the damage. This applies for any attack, "multi-hit" or not. Flip ALL the coins, calculate damage, and then add 10 more to that for each Special Darkness Energy.

Hope that helps!