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Deck building help - Eeveelutions


Aspiring Trainer
I need some help... I am trying to make a kick ass deck, based on eevee and eevolution Leafeon and glaceon and umbreon... here is what I got so far...
Pokémon cards:
Grotle 37/100
leafeon 24/100
eeveex4 62/100
turtwig 103/130
Eevee 63/100
treecko 90/106
Grovyle 40/106
torterra 30/100
umbreon 32/100

psycgic energy x7
Energyx3 call energy (special energy)
leaf energyx14
dark energy
Darkess energy special energy card

Trainer cards
Amulet coin
energy search
warp point
rare candy x2
dusk ball x3
night maintance x2
mom's kindnessx4
professor rowanx5
dawn stadium x2
Can anyone help me?
RE: DEck building help

You gotta put a strategy. We don't know what your game plan is.
RE: DEck building help

Darkshy said:
You gotta put a strategy. We don't know what your game plan is.

I don't really have one... I just wanna do the maximun ammount of demage while being able to get the energy I need can you hepl me? what should I keep/put in?
Please put in a strategy and put in the set name of each Pokemon on your list. Every deck has a strategy, even if it is as simple as set up a Stage 1 or 2 and keep attacking.
You need to play more copies of your main attackers otherwise you'll be left attacking with sub-par pokemon which are better as support. Grovyle and no Sceptile? Over 20 energy? Let me just give a skeleton list you can just work off:

4-3 Leafeon (Majestic Dawn Eevee and preferably Rising Rivals Leafeon)
/-1 Espeon (Majestic Dawn)
/-1 Umbreon (Majestic Dawn)
2-1-2 Sceptile (Great Encounters)
2-2 Claydol (Great Encounters)

(Note: 2-1-2 = "2 Basic form - 1 Stage form - 2 Stage 2 form". It's a cleaner way of organising decklists online)

General breakdown of the deck: Leafeon (Rising Rivals) is the main attacking force. Espeon gives HP Boost and Umbreon removes weaknesses. Sceptile is a nice support card as it makes all Grass energy on your grass pokemon count as 2 energy instead of 1 so you can attack 1 turn faster. Claydol is you draw engine. Not much else to say about it - it just draw cards (recycles to be exact)

The Trainers is all personal preference, but ideally you want at least 6-8 cards dedicated to searching pokemon (Poké Ball, Luxury Ball .etc). Claydol allows you to run less draw supporter cards as it's poképower allows you to draw through your deck for as long as it remains on the field. The more Claydol you have on the field, the better (one should suffice) You don't want to play too many energy as you'd rather have trainers and supporters that allow you to search for what you need as apposed to a massive clump of energy.

It would be nice if you could obtain Leafeon lvX (Majestic Dawn) as it has really nice synergy with Sceptile allowing it to hit for 100+ damage easily.
Since this is unlimited, use the Eevee from Unseen Forces. You could potentially donk, or at the very least, end the turn with a nice HP boost.