Ruling Deck Building.


Aspiring Trainer
I'm still new to the card game, well all the new sets and there's so many cards. I've mainly bought a lot of the D/P sets since i've came back to the ccg world. I plan on starting to play in local tournaments and attend GenCon Indy this year(My dream is to win it.) Now I was wondering what are some basic rules for building a deck like how many energies should go in a deck IE. Thanks for all your help!
this is the most basic deck lits is to run 20 pokemon 20 tranier and 20 energy this is the best way for some one just starting to build a deck thats easy to manage
okay but what happens when it comes to the break down of pokemon like how many basic should i run and evolved ones
You should run a full line of your main attacker (mostly 4-4, 3-2-3 or 4-3-4, so number of Basics = number of last stage. The first stage in 2 stage lines like 4-3-4 is skipped with Rare Candies sometimes) and probably a 2-2 line of your supporter/backup attacker. 4 starter is also nice (Stantler SW being an easy to acquire card with a good energyless attack, this is a good shot.) and anything else that boosts the deck should be 1-1 or 2-2 mostly. Some decks run 2 stage 2s but this tends to slow them down, so I advise you not to.
For the trainers, most of them should be Search Supporters, then some Draw and even less Reshufflers.
epierce33 said:
So if I was using 4 chimchars run 4 monferno and 4 infernapes?
You'd do that if you don't have any Rare Candies. Another basic rule is too have a stategy not just see e.g: this Electivire is strong with 120 damage.So with Infernape it would be Delcatty and either Blaziken (PK) or Typhlosion (MT). What type of deck are you wanting to build?
none right now, i'm just trying to learn as much about the deck building as I can before I try to build a good deck.