Well to start, I am a huge fan of the "new" Apricorn Maker which I honestly think is a much better, much more versatile Pokémon Fan Club. If you wanted to use it like a Fan Club, you could search for Nest Balls, and not only get decent setup, but you slightly thinned your deck as well. And speaking of Nest Balls, you would run a whole playset of them, which seems a little weird, but you need bench setup, esspecially if you're playing a Zoroark deck. So with that said, you might run into a Nest Ball into your opening hand, and if you do, you can search for your Apricorn Maker through other means like Tapu Lele or Ultra Ball for Lele, and there's your post-rotation Brigette. Even in the mid-game, you can use Apricorn Maker to search for Ultra Balls and Timer Balls to get evolution pokemon in your hand, which was something Brigette did not have and was simply discarded by Zoroark's ability afterwards. Now the flaw here is that's more items in the discard pile meaning Trashalance Garbodor, if it ever gets played, will do more damage than usual, but I think it's worth it esspecially now that ability-lock Garbodor in the next format will no longer be a thing. Here's what I'm usually running in the post-rotation decks I currently have built for playtesting:
4x Cynthia, because it's a 4-of in every deck, no questions asked.
1x Lillie if you open with Ultra Ball into Lele, grab this, burn any other items you have in your hand (like Nest Balls), and draw a bunch of cards leading to more setup.
2x Apricorn Maker which I think is a fine number. You don't need a third copy if you play Lillie because a first-turn Lillie has the potential to grab setup cards with it's massive draw on the first turn. As for items that go with this supporter line:
4x Ultra Ball No real excuse to run any less 98% of the time in all of the past formats.
4x Nest Ball for reasons stated above.
1-2x Timer Ball as I think it's going to be the new Evosoda given that it's searchable via Apricorn Maker and it gives your Zoroark's more consistency like Evosoda has done (all be it on coin flips, but that's still 2 coin flips meaning a 75% chance).
All the decks you listed on your first post seem like very good choices. Gardevoir can be a massive threat to newcomer Rayquaza, Metagross just got better now that most of his arch nemesis's have faded away (specifically BKP Garbodor, BKP Greninja, Volcanion, N, etc.), Zoroark is one of the best Pokemon in standard right now and he'll probably remain the same in this upcoming format now with Magcargo joining him and other certain cards rotating, and the ladder is true for Malamar variants so use cards like Ultra Necrozma as you please.