Deck Discussion #1: Blazetran

Blue Thunder

so long!
Well, I took this idea from the series of thread from the Miscellaneous forum. This thread will be the first in a series of thread were you can discuss a certain deck. Every few days, a new thread will be posted.

Today's thread will be about Blazetran. This deck is built around Blaziken (Platinum) and Heatran LV. X (Stormfront). These two allow for a constant 100 damage and a never-fail Burn by Blaziken, with Heatran support. Blaziken GE is also sometimes used, as a way to snipe for 80 every turn.

In this and any deck discussion thread, the idea is to discuss the deck's possible techs, how it fares in the metagame, what Tier it is in, its counters, a good decklist, or just discussing the deck in general.

On that note, let the discussion begin on the deck, "Blazetran". (And please DO NOT mention "KFC" in this discussion. Eventually, we will have a thread about KFC. For now, this is about Blazetran.)
Blazetran with Blaziken FB Lv.X will be the next Mother Gengar counter, LOL
I really like the idea of a free 40 damage per turn, so yah it is a deck to be reckoned with.
I would have to say that this deck is tier 1.5 or tier 1 if played right. In this metagame it is an option. You have the 1HKO on Gengar without Fainting Spell, and you have the 1HKO on everything else in the format sans the 130 HP Pokemon that have seen a serious decline lately. The only issue that the deck has is that it needs 2-4 Unown G to make a couple of matchups easier, and you have serious issues against Dusknoir DP and Palkia G Lv.X.

As a sidenote I would like to say that Combusken GE is the best Stage 1 Pokemon in the format and I took Second at Regionals last year pretty much because I spammed it early game (Blazemortar).
Blazetran is a pretty efficient deck once it gets set up. The key is always making sure you have something to send out (like another blaziken) if your opponent somehow makes you switch, which, with luxray and infernape SP running around, happens quite a bit. So yeah, this deck kind of suffers from needing a big bench/setup, but once it gets going it's hard to stop.

I can't imagine the Kingdra match-up to go all that well, barring a horrible start on their side and a good one on yours. Powerspray also does not help the idea of the deck (i.e. Heatran lvX)
Blazetran is great. I'd say Tier 1/2. It already counters Gengar which makes the deck amazing. Too bad it's underrated and underplayed.

dmaster out.
Its a great deck. I hear many success stories of people playing it. I'd say its Teir 2 only because its underrated and under played would be Teir 1/1.5 if it was played more.
Lucario_aura_wielder said:
1.5 slow for the format bad kingdra matchup good when setup

Actually, its Kingdra match-up isn't as bad as it seems. First of all, Kingdra rarely OHKOs, even with Weakness. Blaziken, on the other hand, can one-shot Kingdra with a PP/Crobat G. (Which all good Blaze lists have) A tech Blaziken GE can also shoot Claydols down, utterly stopping Kingdra's supply. Sure, early game is rough, but if you can survive that, the game becomes pretty winnable for Blaziken. I'd say 42-58, in Kingdra's favor, and only because of speed.
Actually a lot of the Blazetrans I hear of play a Cherrim tech for the Kingdra matchup, like the one that made top 2 at one of the Nationals. It makes the one hit KO very easy to make.
yea cherrim tech makes this deck great.
its tier two becuase of the slow set up.
ive never seen one that can consistently set up t2-t3 it seems they draw bad hands and attract bad starts more then the avergae stage 2 deck.
at least from my experience with the deck.
That is why they normally play 2-4 starters including Jirachi and Chatot. It makes starting off a little more bearable, and at the same time it gives you a buffer to block donks without wasting energy.
How does it handle Palkia G? I can't imagine the lvX being very good to it, as well as weakness. Then again, you OHKO anything they pull out I think. A little lucario GL tech really busts you though, but that's negligible I think since who plays that in Palkia G, right?

Any experience against that deck? What about vs. Blastcatty?
Hmm, a Palkia G match-up is a bit harder, as they have a semi-Dusknoir in it. Hmm, it looks like you'd be restricted to Active Blaziken and Blaziken/Claydol/Heatran. However, like Kingdra, you can fry anything that they have, even Palkia G LV. X. And, on another note, they can't one-shot you unless they carry Lucario GL, which I don't think is in too many Palkia lists, as they like to carry Dialga G and all the Pixies, too. The Power Lock they can pull off, however, is baaad. Mesprit + Power Spray will give you one heck of a time. Overall, I'd give it a 30-70 in Palkia's favor.

Blastcatty still isn't too favorable, but with Blaziken GE you can one-shot a Delcatty as long is it has 10 damage on it, and a Blastoise would be killed with a PP from Blaziken PT. However, unlike Kingdra and Palkia G, they can one-shot you with enough energy, which is easy to do when we are talking about Blastoise. The 60 snipes it pulls off aren't too threatening at first, but if you're not too careful they can ruin you. I'd say 40-60 in Blastoise's favor.
Cherrim+Queen=Kingdra fails.
Legos is absolutely the hardest match up, not because of Lost Cyclone (Can be played around), or Weakness (Cherrim laughs...some how), it's due do the Power Lock, which this deck obviously looses to.
BlazeTran is pretty good, and can be really destructive. Kingdra beats this, likely 70-30 match up.
Blue Thunder said:
Lucario_aura_wielder said:
1.5 slow for the format bad kingdra matchup good when setup

Actually, its Kingdra match-up isn't as bad as it seems. First of all, Kingdra rarely OHKOs, even with Weakness. Blaziken, on the other hand, can one-shot Kingdra with a PP/Crobat G. (Which all good Blaze lists have) A tech Blaziken GE can also shoot Claydols down, utterly stopping Kingdra's supply. Sure, early game is rough, but if you can survive that, the game becomes pretty winnable for Blaziken. I'd say 42-58, in Kingdra's favor, and only because of speed.


how does kingdra rarely ohko? Dragon Pump does 90 damage to Blaziken, so it only needs to be sniped twice/once (with skunktank g and a crobat g drop/pluspower) to be OHKO'd. Sniping Claydol is hardly effective, as its pretty easy to get another one or just play another uxie. Blaziken needs 3 energy. Kingdra needs 1. Blaziken is slow. Kingdra is fast.

match-up is 80-20 in kingdra's favour. happy to play you on redshark to prove my point.
I will admit I did forget about the snipes...however, Kingdra still doesn't pull OHKOs all the you can't snipe for 40 every single turn. Aqua Stream is an option, yes, but you still need 10 Water in the discard for that....(though with snipes it gets easier.)...and most lists I see now don't play over 11-12 Water...

And how does sniping Claydol not hurt you? True, you could have another Claydol/Uxie on the Bench, but if I live to see another turn I can kill that, too. And Uxie is not that reliable for Kingdra. Its good to have 1-2 early game or in case of Claydol locks, but Kingdra relies on can get them back, but until you do, you're still going to run into issues, while I OHKO Kingdra.

Speed is the only reason Kingdra beats Blaziken. Early game, yes, that 20-80 is valid. However, if the game goes out past the first five turns, the match-up becomes at least a little bit more winnable for Blaze. (Albeit still not even close to 50-50....42-58 max.)

And I personally don't even play Blazetran, but I have seen it work. Also, I don't play RS that often anyway, and I'd ready get onto testing for next season anyway.
Once Blaziken FB comes out, people will be sneaking lines of it into Blazetran decks and it will become a tier 1 deck in no time. 140 damage per turn with auto burn? Yes please.
nardd said:
Powerspray also does not help the idea of the deck (I.e. Heatran lvX)

Seems to me that heatran's power can't be sprayed becasue its after turn is completed, the energies are placed back on the pokemon. Basically just like fainting spell.