Deck Discussion #8: Tyranitar

Blue Thunder

so long!
The votes are in! The totals were:

-2 Tyranitar
-1 Amphytric

It is clear that Tyranitar is the winner, so this Deck Discussion will be based on him. Deck Discussion 9 will be posted on Monday, July 20th.

You can also send me a PM to tell me which deck you would like to discuss next. The deck that gets the most requests will be the one I choose for the next one.

Today's thread will be about Tyranitar (Stormfront), a card that is thought to be hard-hitting, but slow. Starting off, Tyranitar has 140HP and is of the Darkness type, allowing him to abuse Special Darkness Energy (Rising Rivals) for more damage. 140HP allows him to take a hit, and sometimes even two hits. Tyranitar is equipped with two attacks. Grind, his first attack, does 20x the amount of energy attached to him. His second attack, Spinning Tail, does a 30 spread to all Pokemon. However, this attack is very pricey, costing 5 energy. As you can see, both attacks require a lot of effort to power up. However, he does have a Poke-Body. This Body lets him fetch a basic Darkness Energy from the discard, every time your opponent a Power. Since Powers are common in today's game, you will find him charged up more quicker than you thought he would be. Tyranitar usually run alongside Darkrai LV. X (Great Encounters), Weavile (Secret Wonders), and Sableye (Stormfront) Darkrai LV. X allows you to deal 10 more damage for each Basic Dark Energy attached to Tyranitar. This lets his Grind do 30x instead of 20x, and lets his Spinning Tail do a 30 spread AND 80 to the Active. Weavile helps in getting energy attached to Tyranitar, by searching the deck for two Darkness Energy and attaching them to a Tyranitar. Sableye is a typical starter for this deck, as he can search out a Supporter and use a Supporter on Turn 1. He usually gets Felicity's Drawing (Great Encounters), which allows you to get some Dark energies in the discard...for Tyranitar to pick up. Sableye can also occasionally donk on Turn 1.

In this and any deck discussion thread, the idea is to discuss the deck's possible techs, how it fares in the metagame, what Tier it is in, its counters, a good decklist for the deck, or just discussing the deck in general.

For the more recent previous deck discussions, please click on the links below. Some of the very old ones will not be listed because the last post is dated more than 2 weeks ago. To get to these threads, you may have to click one of the links, and then click a link inside that thread.

DD7: Speedrill:
DD6: Flygon:
DD5: Mother Genagr:
DD4: Machamp:
DD3: Luxape:

Now...onto the discussion!
I've played against this and lost bad. It may be slow at first, but when it get enough special dark energy it can be deal some strong damage.
Yeah, one of the slowest decks in the format, but I love this deck to bits regardless. Once it gets setup, Darkrai + Grind can knock out almost any SP Pokemon with three Energies. Sableye is perfect for the deck and Weavile grants acceleration. There are tons of techs that one can work in here, but I just wish it could compete in the format. Alas. :[

dmaster out.
Well...this is the best deck in format IMO, the setup is slow yeah....but if you can get everything running it's nearly unstopable, especially when Supreme Victors is out.
I believe the only reason why it's impossible to run TTar in this format is that no one publicly announced a way to get five dark energies a on a TTar quickly without Weavile. Otherwise, the deck's slowness wouldn't be so bad.
Soul Seeker said:
Well...this is the best deck in format IMO, the setup is slow yeah...but if you can get everything running it's nearly unstopable, especially when Supreme Victors is out.

With decks like Luxape and Gengar/Nidoqueen around, it's simply foolish to say this is the best deck in the format, whether you're a fan of it or not.

I think it's an alright deck myself, but it's far too slow to be competitive, and things like Weavile and Darkrai don't fix that.
I honestly think this deck is great. But the sad fate is, that it is easily owned. Why? do you ask. The problem is known as toolbox. My good ol' pal galactics toolbox 1 hits him. WITH A TECH. I'd like to see T-Tar take a hit for 2 (yes, 2, thats with my magical energy gain) from my lucario GL. that easily hits for 140 (If T-Tar has 4 energy) and it's slow enough.
im a fan of t-tar it resists psychic and the larvitar and pupitar resist lightning so lxray doesnt 1 hit them.
its so slow to set up a ttar for spinning tail.
the key to sucess with ttar is grind for 80+ damage.
wit 140 hp its not easily going down and the decrease in use of dgx makes its body useful again.
weavile-by saying you destroy ttar with lucario is a totally biased statment. you ko one of my ttars MAYBE then i grind and ko you then begin rolling you.

do a thread on kingdra. please? it was one of the only decks to go from the begging to the end of the frormat. its pretty great.
trevorispro said:
wit 140 hp its not easily going down

I've heard a couple of tales about TTar around the TCG section, and they all pretty much said the same thing: once you get around to KOing a TTar, your oppenent's pretty much done for. But yeah, it's tough and hard-hitting, but too slow to be competitive.
All aboard the failboat.
Just generally too slow, useless 1st attack which starts getting good at the 4th(!) energy and does nothing for 1, like Magmortar did, and most decks can save their Powers for after T-tar got KOed.
This deck is pretty good and if you are good you can set it up T3. Now it is pretty hard to set up a line of SP pokemmon to take down a T-tar as firstly 140 hp is hard to destroy and secondly it can almost Ko all pokemon on the bench with spinning tail. I faced it today with my palkia G/Dialga G and won by 5 prizes and the key was distruption. If you warp point or bright look out a larvitar then they are done for.
^ Uh... Promo Croak + Crpbat G OHKOS TTar, Lucraio GL OHKOs TTar, and alot of SPs 2HKO it. Deck is just too slow.
Yes but if you can't OHKO then next turn your done for, unless you have a couple of sps ready, which is going to be hard due to the lack of space on bench unless you are using palkia G. But I do agree with you its to slow. Weakness=Speed+ disruption/sniping
1. I get the first KO, because Sableye can't donk me and I deal more damage in the first few turns.
2. Luxray GL takes your setup down QUICKLY.
3. Go ahead and OHKO me. I'll just send up a Crobat G for bait.
4. Spreading is countered by PokeTurn, end of story there.
Well I have played t-tar without luxray GL and it seems harder but maybe that is my inexperience.

I was playing palkia/ Dialga and it was hardish to get down 2 t-tars. Although I had little draw power so maybe its my fault. But do you agree that sniping or disruption plays a key role at taking down a t-tar deck?