Deck for nationals?

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Aspiring Trainer
Right now I'm running a pretty kick butt Dialgachomp deck with Blaziken Fb. tecked in. What deck would you recommend for nationals? SP? Machamp? Gyarados? Tell me forum.
It's a bit too early to say, really. We still have the rest of States, AND Regionals before then. Plus, we have B/W and the Rule Change before it, too.
Honestly I would recommend Gyarados because it is fast and hits hard. It can go through a lot of decks with ease (Darn you Luxchomp!).

*On a sidenote I think this belongs in the "What should I play for _______?" forum.
Honestly way too early to tell, last year at this time I was 100% sure I wasn't going to Nats, but then I went and got 31st. I think G-Dos and Luxchomp will both be great plays as usual, and can't go wrong with Gengar SF.
Use the "What should I play for _______" sticky.


dmaster out.
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