The Rules of Deck Garage
Moderators: [mod]Kecleon-X[/mod] and [mod]Mora[/mod]
1). The main Pokemon must be in the title of your thread. (i.e. "Keldeoise (Keldeo EX / Blastoise)") This is important to us because it is easily searched out by members, and it helps people have a general idea of your deck before taking a look for themselves.
2). The correct thread prefix must be used. (i.e. "NXD-On", "Unlimited") This is to help others know what format the deck is supposed to be played in. You don't want to have someone playtest your Legends Awakened Uxie deck for a Boundaries Crossed-on format! If your deck is meant to be played in a specific format, please put that specific prefix. Please note that if you are playing for a future format such as Boundaries Crossed-onward, you are to put your prefix as "BCR-On", and if you are playing with rotated cards in your deck, you are to put your prefix as "Unlimited" unless it is for extended format, in which you are to put your prefix as "BW-On". Furthermore, if there are cards that have not been released as of yet, then you are to post your thread with the prefix of "Future".
3). Cards that are not yet released in English must have a translation. This is easily done because Pokebeach has early scans quite regularly, and we normally have translations to the best of our abilities to those cards right beside them. Once a TCG set is printed in English and has had at least one Prerelease, then a translation is no longer required. It helps everyone know what the card does, after all.
4). Each Pokemon that have several cards printed with that same name must have the set listed. For instance, if you wish to put Dusknoir from Boundaries Crossed into your deck, please put "Dusknoir (BCR)" or something of the sort in your list so we don't assume that it is the Dusknoir from Flashfire. You can abbreviate the set instead of typing its full name out to save time. There can be big differences between different cards, so this is very important.
5). If your deck is not a "meta" deck (i.e. Major archetypes, such as "Keldeo EX / Black Kyurem EX / Blastoise", "Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX / Kyurem" and other common sights at a tournament), you must have a strategy in your post as it is not well known and anyone who doesn't know the cards inside-and-out will not understand how your deck works. This is an important element to have if you want to have deck advice given. If you are not sure if a deck is considered a meta deck, list the strategy anyway. Please note that if your are running something in your deck that could be considered out of the norm for that deck, such as running Sharpedo in your Plasma list to counter Pyroar, please put an explanation of why you are playing said card.
6). Only one list is allowed per thread. This means you cannot post your Greninja deck and your Emboar deck in the same thread to try to get advice on both. It gets rather confusing for both parties. If you want to post multiple lists, please post multiple threads. If you have trouble deciding on decks, please post links to your threads in the "What Deck Should I Play?" thread and explain your situation, and we'll try to help best we can. Another alternative is posting in the "TCG Competitive Play" or "TCG News & General Discussion" forums.
7). You may only bump your thread three times in a seven day period. This is to ensure fairness on others threads being read and to prevent an obscene amount of posts that say "Bump". Violating this rule will result in your post being deleted. Further infractions will also induce a warning.
8). No stealing other members threads. This means posting your own deck in someone else's thread to get advice on said deck. If you want help on your deck, post your own thread.
9). You must provide an explanation when you are suggesting changes to a deck. It helps explain everything better to all parties, and it helps things go much smoother. Furthermore, it also helps everyone become better players as the original poster might not have considered your logic, or perhaps you were wrong about something.
10). Don't give bad advice. This means don't suggest someone put a Cedric Juniper instead of a Cheren because you think it sounds cooler. Your post will be deleted if it is considered bad advice. In extreme cases a warning may be given, so make sure you are giving advice that you yourself would play. What is considered bad advice is up to the Moderators of the forum.
11). Please format your deck properly. When you go to make a new thread, the "New Post" screen automatically has a template in its box for your convenience. This template looks like this:
And one that is filled out should look something like this:
[b]Pokémon[/b]: 11
2 Garbodor DRX
2 Trubbish DRX
3 Yveltal EX
1 Sableye DEX
2 Darkrai EX
1 Yveltal XY
[b]Trainers[/b]: 37
4 Professor Juniper
4 N
2 Skyla
4 Random Receiver
2 Bicycle
4 Dark Patch
4 Ultra Ball
4 Hypnotoxic Laser
3 Virbank City Gym
3 Muscle Band
3 Float Stone
1 Professor's Letter
1 Dowsing Machine
[b]Energy[/b]: 11
7 Darkness
4 Double Colorless
This makes it so everything lines up. It looks much neater as an actual list like that than without. It also indents the cards from the card types so it is easier to separate them.
12). But above all else, have fun. This forum is meant for fun. It was born in it, raised in it. If you don't have fun while you're here, why stick around?