• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Deck Grass/Poison - BR



Hello everybody! I'm posting the deck I'm currently playing!
gostari you unem your opinion!!

3 - Roselia (HG/SS Unleashed)
3 - Roserade (HG/SS Unleashed)
2 - Victreebel (HG/SS Triumphant)
2 - Weepinbell (HG/SS Triumphant)
2 - Bellsprout (HG/SS Triumphant)
4 - Scolipede (Emerging Powers)
3 - Whirlipede (Emerging Powers)
4 - Venipede (Emerging Powers)

3 - Cilan
4 - Pokemon Comunication
4 - Cheren
2 - Potion
4 - Rare Candy
2 - Energy Recovery

9 - Grass
9 - Pyschic

I'm grateful for everyone's help to improve my deck!
Andreh said:
Hello everybody! I'm posting the deck I'm currently playing!
gostari you unem your opinion!!

3 - Roselia (HG/SS Unleashed)
3 - Roserade (HG/SS Unleashed)
2 - Victreebel (HG/SS Triumphant)
2 - Weepinbell (HG/SS Triumphant)
2 - Bellsprout (HG/SS Triumphant)

I'm grateful for everyone's help to improve my deck!

Before I say anything, all of these cards are rotated. Sorry.
Now we have a huge problem with this deck
3 - Roselia (HG/SS Unleashed)
3 - Roserade (HG/SS Unleashed)
2 - Victreebel (HG/SS Triumphant)
2 - Weepinbell (HG/SS Triumphant)
2 - Bellsprout (HG/SS Triumphant)
2 - Energy Recovery
None of those cards are legal, so you won't be able to play them, I can tell you are new so I'll lay off the EXs
So now we have 15 spare places in the deck, if you want a similar card to Energy Recovery, play Energy Retrieval from Black and White.
+2 Energy Retrieval
+3 Roselia from Dragons Exalted
+2 Roserade from Dragons Exalted (rare) (Rosers to replace the ones I took)
+3 Professor Juniper, draw power! Who wouldn't like that :3
+3 Level Ball (search pokemon out)
+2 Random Receiver (get supporters out)

Now, let's take some legal stuff
-4 Pokemon Communication
-6 grass energy
-3 Cilan

+4 Blend Energy (GPRD)
+1 Sigilyph (DRE rare)
+1 Mewtwo EX (if you can get the tin)/1 N
+2-2 Liligant from Emerging Powers as an attacker
+3 N